scIBD is a doublet detection tool for scCAS data.
scIBD is totally produced by Python.
The depending packages used in scIBD can be installed by the command pip/pip3 install -r requirements.txt
git clone
cd scIBD
pip install -r requirements.txt
python install
import scibd as si
KNNITER = si.KNNIter(input)
result = KNNITER.IterCall()
import scibd as si
import scanpy as sc
dataset = sc.read_h5ad(./data/Forebrain.h5ad)
KNNITER = si.KNNIter(dataset,strategy = 'PCoA')
result = KNNITER.IterCall()
input: the AnnData; or the count matrix(numpy or scipy) row: droplets; colomn: peaks/bins.
if the input is an obeject of AnnData, the output is also an AnnData, the obs of returned AnnData adds two columns: obs['PredDBL'] is the predicted results where 1 indicates the predicted doublets and 0 indicates the singlets; obs['DBLscore'] is the doublet scores of all droplets.
if the input is the count matrix, the output are the idx of predicted doublets and the doublet scores of all droplets
other parameters:
exprate: The expected calling rate of doublets, default 0.1.
strategy: The KNN graphing strategy, scIBD can adaptively opt a KNN graphing strategy. Users can also manually set it as 'PCoA' or 'PCA'.
core: The number of threads, default is the max core number depending on the terminals.
sim_rate: The ratio of simulated doublets in each iteration, default is 0.3.
nPC: The number of used principal components, default is 5.
neighbors: The number of neighbors used to construct KNN graph, default is 40.
n_tree: The number of trees in KNN constrcution, default is 30.
scIBD along with detailed documentation is freely accessible at under the MIT License.
Zhang W, Jiang R, Chen S, Wang Y. scIBD: a self-supervised iterative-optimizing model for boosting the detection of heterotypic doublets in single-cell chromatin accessibility data. Genome Biology. 2023 Oct 9;24(1):225.