YixiongHao / spotify-wrapper

Gatech CS 2340 project 2
MIT License
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Gatech CS 2340 project 2

Base User Story #1: As a user, I want to be able to view a presentation of the different aspects of my personal Spotify music listening tastes displayed in colorful and fun ways.

Acceptance criteria: • Able to parse through a Spotify account's data to generate a detailed and creative summary of the user's music listening habits and tastes • Summary must consist of at least 8 distinct "slides" (transition slides count and are encouraged)

Base User Story #2: As a user, I would like to be able to create and login to an account that saves my previously generated Spotify wraps.

Acceptance criteria: • Able to create and log into an account associated with your Spotify info • Able to log out of your account • Account information is persistent (exists after exiting the website) • Provide a screen where past Spotify wraps (the entire wrap, not just a summary) can be accessed, viewed, and deleted • Provide a screen where you can delete your account

Base User Story #3: As a user, I would like the UI to be aesthetically-pleasing and responsive.

Acceptance criteria: • UI matches your client TA's personal design tastes and expectations • UI is not hard-coded for a specific screen resolution, will display correctly on different laptop/monitor sizes

Base User Story #4: As a developer, I would like to avoid security leaks by not hosting secrets like API keys on GitHub.

Acceptance criteria: • No secrets should be committed to GitHub • We recommend storing all secrets in a file that has been added to your .gitignore to prevent accidental commits

Additional user stories:

  1. As a user, I would like to be able to invite a friend to join a Duo-Wrapped that displays and compares both of our tastes in a creative combined way. a. 8 points b. +2 points for saving the Duo-Wrapped

  2. As a user, I would like for a LLM API to dynamically describe how someone who listens to my kind of music tends to act/think/dress during my Spotify Wrapped. a. 3 points b. +1 point if you use the LLM API to compare your taste with a friend's during a Duo-Wrapped c. See the payment disclaimer!

  3. As a user, I would like to be able to hear clips from some of my top songs play during my Spotify Wrapped a. 3 points b. +1 point for integrating music playback into Duo-Wrapped

  4. As a user, I would like to create Spotify Wraps over short, medium, and long terms of my listening history (each of these options must be distinguishable when saved) a. 2 points

  5. As a developer, I would like a GitHub Actions CI/CD pipeline to verify that my changes build and are formatted correctly (according to pylint or pep8) and to prevent PRs with bad changes from being merged into main a. 2 points b. +5 points for integrating code coverage libraries into the CI pipeline that prevent the merging of PRs with less than 80% code coverage Tip: We highly recommend starting this user story early and iteratively adding new unit tests with each new PR Note: your codebase must meet or exceed this coverage goal during demo time to qualify. Your unit tests must also be non-trivial, as we will not accept purposeless tests.

  6. As a developer, I would like to run my Django website on a hosting service (like Heroku) so anyone can access my Spotify Wrapped application a. 5 points b. See the payment disclaimer!

  7. As a developer, I would like all functions to have proper documentation so I can easily understand them at a glance (use docstrings for Python functions and JSDoc for JavaScript functions) a. 1 point

  8. As a front-end developer, I would like to have a wireframe-flow diagram on Figma or Balsamiq for all planned screens that clearly guide me in implementing the website's UI. a. 1 point b. Note 1: to earn the point for this story, you must show your finalized UI flow diagram and Figma wireframes to your TA by the end of sprint 1 c. Note 2: This is what we refer to as top-down software development.