YoamFarges / LaBonneCarte

A chrome extension to display leboncoin's (a french craigslist) search results on a Google map.
MIT License
20 stars 4 forks source link


A published extension to display leboncoin's (sort of french craigslist) search results on a map.

Leboncoin is the main website to buy and sell stuff in France, but for some reason, there is no way to display the results of your search directly on a map. This simple extension aims at fixing that.

Screenshot of LaBonneCarte in action

Browser Store link
Chrome https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/la-bonne-carte/oegacpncaonolgbpmphcimodilfoacnl
Firefox https://addons.mozilla.org/fr/firefox/addon/labonnecarte/


Installation + Run

npm install

npm run dev
npm run dev:firefox
npm run dev:safari

A folder (e.g. chrome-mv3-dev) will be generated on the build subfolder. You simply have to load the unpacked extension in your browser. See https://docs.plasmo.com/framework/workflows/dev for more information.

Stack overview


The extension was previously made natively and was ported to https://plasmo.com/ for an easier maintenance.

Follow the very simple steps to the [https://docs.plasmo.com/](plasmo documentation) in order to run the project locally.


For the map feature, this project extensively uses https://leafletjs.com/ and https://react-leaflet.js.org/.


To prevent browser limitation when using geocoding API from a chrome extension, the geocoding is made directly within the extension. The data comes from https://www.data.gouv.fr/fr/datasets/base-officielle-des-codes-postaux/.
