Yocauu / Dcase2023-task7-Foleysound

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DCASE2023 - Task 7 - Baseline systems

The code of this repository is mostly from liuxubo717/sound_generation. If you use this code, please cite the original repository following:

  title={Conditional Sound Generation Using Neural Discrete Time-Frequency Representation Learning},
  author={Liu, Xubo and Iqbal, Turab and Zhao, Jinzheng and Huang, Qiushi and Plumbley, Mark D and Wang, Wenwu},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2107.09998},

For the neural vocoder, we brought the generator model code from jik876/hifi-gan.

Set up


1: (Stage 1) Train a multi-scale VQ-VAE to extract the Discrete T-F Representation (DTFR) of sound. The pre-trained model will be saved to checkpoint/vqvae/.

python train_vqvae.py --epoch 800

2: Extract DTFR for stage 2 training.

python extract_code.py --vqvae_checkpoint [VQ-VAE CHECKPOINT]

3: (Stage 2) Train a PixelSNAIL model on the extracted DTFR of sound. The pre-trained model will be saved to checkpoint/pixelsnail-final/.

python train_pixelsnail.py --epoch 1500

4: Inference sounds. The synthesized sound samples will be saved to ./synthesized

python inference.py --vqvae_checkpoint [VQ-VAE CHECKPOINT] --pixelsnail_checkpoint [PIXELSNAIL CHECKPOINT] --number_of_synthesized_sound_per_class [NUMBER OF SOUND SAMPLES]