Yomguithereal / baobab-react

React integration for Baobab.
MIT License
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Welcome to baobab's React integration (from v2.0.0 and onwards).

Implemented patterns:



You can install baobab-react through npm:

npm install baobab-react

Peer dependencies

This library necessitate that you install baobab >= 2.0.0 and react >= 0.13.x (plus react-dom >= 0.14.x if required).

Then require the desired pattern and only this one will be loaded (meaning that your browserify/webpack bundle, for instance, won't load unnecessary files and end up bloated).


var mixins = require('baobab-react/mixins');

On root & branches

In order to keep component definitions detached from any particular instance of Baobab, the mixins, higher order components etc. are divided into two:

This is necessary so that isomorphism can remain an enjoyable stroll in the park (your UI would remain a pure function).



Dedicated documentation

Higher Order Components

Dedicated documentation


Dedicated documentation

Common pitfalls

Controlled input state

If you need to store a react controlled input's state into a baobab tree, remember you have to commit changes synchronously through the tree.commit method or else you'll observe nasty cursor jumps in some cases.

var PropTypes = require('baobab-react/prop-types').PropTypes;

var Input = React.createClass({
  mixins: [mixins.branch],
  cursors: {
    inputValue: ['inputValue']
  contextTypes: {
    tree: PropTypes.baobab
  onChange: function(e) {
    var newValue = e.target.value;

    // If one edits the tree normally, i.e. asynchronously, the cursor will hop

    // One has to commit synchronously the update for the input to work correctly
  render: function() {
    return <input onChange={this.onChange} value={this.state.inputValue} />;


Contributions are obviously welcome.

Be sure to add unit tests if relevant and pass them all before submitting your pull request.

# Installing the dev environment
git clone git@github.com:Yomguithereal/baobab-react.git
cd baobab-react
npm install

# Running the tests
npm test

# Linting
npm run lint

# Building a independent version
npm run build

# or per pattern
npm run build-mixins
npm run build-higher-order
npm run build-hooks
