YonghengSun1997 / ODADA

code for our ODADA.
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Rethinking adversarial domain adaptation: Orthogonal decomposition for unsupervised domain adaptation in medical image segmentation

This repository provides the code for "Rethinking adversarial domain adaptation: Orthogonal decomposition for unsupervised domain adaptation in medical image segmentation". Our work is accepted by MedIA mia_link.

ODADA Fig. 1. Structure of ODADA.


Some important required packages include:

Follow official guidance to install Pytorch.


This Repository contains a toy dataset (HK and BIDMC) for reimplement. You can download a full-version dataset via https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1KEomtcpTUYCc94nAvEBBsT3vvLnR4rPN?usp=share_link If the data violates privacy, please let us know in time.


For multi-site prastate segmentation

  1. To train ODADA for multi-site prostate segmentation, run:

    python main.py
  2. Our experimental results are shown in the table: refinement


If you find our work is helpful for your research, please consider to cite:

  title={Rethinking adversarial domain adaptation: Orthogonal decomposition for unsupervised domain adaptation in medical image segmentation},
  author={Sun, Yongheng and Dai, Duwei and Xu, Songhua},
  journal={Medical Image Analysis},