This repository is the 3rd place solution the sinusitis classification of KHD2020 based on sample code.
NOTE : It is unable to run this code on your local machine because the challenge was based on NSML infrastructure and the dataset was private. You have to customize the to run training code with your own dataset and specify the directory on DATASET_PATH argument.
Requirements : run pip install -r requirements.txt
We trained network using SGD optimizer with a momentum of 0.9 and decay of 0.3. However, we didn't apply weight decay on bias term. We used a decaying learning rate with a cosine annealing warm-up start method setting an initial learning rate to 0.0005 and a minimum rate as 5e-6. We used a small batch size of 8 to increase training stability and trained the network for 60 epochs. The sinusitis dataset has a severe class imbalance, therefore, we adopted class weights for loss function with the ratio 1:4:6:9. To avoid overfitting, we added dropout on the fully connected layer with 0.5 probability. We applied simple data augmentation techniques such as random rotation (-15\~15 degress) and scaling (x0.85\~1.15).
: network architecture definitions and training/validation core functionsutils/
: image processing code, config argument parser, and data loading
: code for model training and validationnsml run -d 2020KHD_PNS -e -c 8 -a '--batch_size 64'
python --DATASET_PATH YOUR_DATASET_DIR --batch_size 64