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nextpnr portable FPGA place and route tool
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Routing failure on MachXO3 #1236

Open povik opened 7 months ago

povik commented 7 months ago

On nextpnr 4a7e58a, trellis 36c615, trellis-db 4dda149 I got the following

Info: Routing globals...
ERROR: Failed to route net 'clk$TRELLIS_IO_IN$glb_clk' from X24/Y15/G_CLKO1_DCC to X4/Y4/CLK1_SLICE using dedicated routing.
0 warnings, 1 error

when routing a simple design with a registered multiplier

read_verilog <<EOF
module top(input [16:0] a, input [16:0] b, output reg [33:0] o, input clk);
    reg [16:0] ar;
    reg [16:0] br;

    always @(posedge clk) begin
        ar <= a;
        br <= b;
        o <= $signed(ar) * $signed(br);
synth_lattice -family xo3 -json multest.json
exec -- nextpnr-machxo2 --json multest.json --device=LCMXO3LF-9400C-6BG484C

If I increase the dimension of the multiplier, the routing stops failing, which suggests to me this is a bug in nextpnr. Attaching logs and the JSON result of synthesis.

log.txt multest.json

gatecat commented 7 months ago

@mmicko I would guess this a problem with some clock routing resources being missing so some DCCs aren't working properly, would you be able to look into this?

mmicko commented 7 months ago

Problem occurs when there are no constraints, so promote_globals work fine and add DCC and route trough it, but later place_globals fails, since there are no constraints (BEL attribute).

gatecat commented 7 months ago

Can we make the global placement robust enough that it works even in this case? I imagine the same case of unconstrained position would occur e.g. with a global driven from a fabric clock divider (sure, often bad practice, but still sometimes useful).

mmicko commented 7 months ago

Ah. Missed the comment. Will need to think more about possible solution.