Open JulianKemmerer opened 3 years ago
will place all I/Os on pins, it will just choose the pins for you. This will of course affect the timing, since all the I/Os are brought out to pins. You can use a shift register/xor reduction method to get more accurate timing:
module timing (
input wire clk,
input wire in_next,
output wire out,
reg [63:0] in;
wire [31:0] arg1, arg2;
reg [31:0] out_next;
wire [31:0] result;
always @(posedge clk) begin
in <= { in[62:0], in_next };
out_next <= result;
assign { arg1, arg2 } = in;
assign out = ^out_next;
adder (
.arg1 (arg1),
.arg2 (arg2),
.result (result),
module adder (
input wire [31:0] arg1, arg2,
output reg [31:0] result,
assign result = arg1 + arg2;
A good option for sure.
However, in my case this is not for my personal design - but a tool that works with many synthesis+pnr flows. So I was initially very adverse to special casing 'generate a shift register module wrapper thing' in my tool flow just for nextpnr-ice40 since like I mentioned for ECP5 OOC works great. (and similar OOC options are already working for Vivado,Quartus,Lattice tools too).
But Ive found that Efinix Efinity tool does not have a OOC mode - so that adds another special case. Perhaps time to reconsider!
Hello there,
I am trying to get timing data for modules without assigning/requiring IO placement.
For ECP5 out of context has worked great. Can the same be done for iCE40?
I tried
nextpnr-ice40 --pcf-allow-unconstrained
but still get an error about placementSB_IO: 98/ 96 102% ... ERROR: Unable to find a placement location for cell 'iftrue[18]$sb_io'
Thanks for your time!