Youcode-Classe-E-2023-2024 / Hamza_Meski_Wiki

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Wiki Platform


Wiki Platform is an online plateform designed to provide an efficient backend coupled with a user-friendly frontend, aiming to deliver an exceptional user experience.

Project Overview

This system allows administrator to easily manage categories, tags, and wikis, while authors can create, edit, and delete their own content. The frontend focuses on a seamless user interface, featuring simplified registration, an effective search bar, and dynamic displays of the latest wikis and categories for easy navigation.

The primary goal is to create a space where everyone can collaborate, create, discover, and share wikis in an easy and engaging manner.

Key Features

Back Office

Category Management (Admin)

Tag Management (Admin)

Author Registration

Wiki Management (Authors and Admins)

Dashboard Homepage

Front Office

Login and Register

Search Bar

Display of Latest Wikis

Display of Latest Categories

Redirect to Single Wiki Page

Technologies Used




Bonus Features

Image Upload in PHP

MVC Architecture Implementation