YounitedCredit / younitedpay-module-prestashop

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YounitedPay PrestaShop Addons

Coding Standart Unit test


Younited Credit payment solution for PrestaShop.

Product page on PrestaShop Addons

This addons is not avalable on PrestaShop Addons. This Git repository is for developpers only. Please contact YounitedPay customer service to get


PHP version (check Module version guide)

Installation for merchands

To install module on PrestaShop, download zip package supply by YounitedPay customer service or the zip file named attached on each detail release page.

Installation for developpers

If you are a developper, this module contain composer.json.dist file. If you clone or download the module from github repository, run the composer install is not necessary. You can see why on module documentation on "Guzzle trouble".

See the composer documentation to learn more about the composer.json file.


PrestaShop modules are open-source extensions to the PrestaShop e-commerce solution. Everyone is welcome and even encouraged to contribute with their own improvements.

Requirements to make a contribution

Contributors must follow the following rules:

Process in details

Contributors wishing to edit a module's files should follow the following process:

  1. Create your GitHub account, if you do not have one already.
  2. Fork the YounitedCredit/younitedpay-module-prestashop project to your GitHub account.
  3. Clone your fork to your local machine in the /modules/younitedpay directory of your PrestaShop installation.
  4. Create a branch in your local clone of the module for your changes.
  5. Change the files in your branch. Be sure to follow the coding standards!
  6. Push your changed branch to your fork in your GitHub account.
  7. Create a pull request for your changes on the 'develop' branch of the module's project. Be sure to follow the commit message norm in your pull request. If you need help to make a pull request, read the Github help page about creating pull requests.
  8. Wait for one of the core developers either to include your change in the codebase, or to comment on possible improvements you should make to your code.

That's it: you have contributed to this open-source project! Congratulations!

Command line launched by github actions

Please launch these command line before submitting a Pull Request.

The name of the git folder must be "younitedpay" in order to work correctly with these docker commands.

phpcs fixer

~modules/younitedpay$ vendor/bin/php-cs-fixer --fix


You need a docker container to launch phpstan

# create the prestashop container
~modules/younitedpay$ docker run -tid --rm -v ps-volume:/var/www/html --name temp-ps prestashop/prestashop

# launch phpstan
~modules/younitedpay$ docker run --rm --volumes-from temp-ps -v $PWD:/var/www/html/modules/younitedpay -e _PS_ROOT_DIR_=/var/www/html --workdir=/var/www/html/modules/younitedpay phpstan/phpstan:0.12 analyse --configuration=/var/www/html/modules/younitedpay/202/phpstan/phpstan.neon


You need a docker container to launch phpunit

docker run -tid --rm -v $PWD:/var/www/html/modules/younitedpay --name temp-unittest-ps 202ecommerce/prestashop:
docker exec -t temp-unittest-ps sh /var/www/html/modules/younitedpay/202/docker/