YoussefHenna / expo-mapbox-navigation

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[ Feature ] MaxHeight and MaxWeight in props #3

Closed ChickenBone closed 1 month ago

ChickenBone commented 1 month ago

Hey! Could you add a prop of routeOptions = { maxHeight: 123, maxWidth: 123 } to the navigation route builder? I can fork as well if needed but

it seems as though at least for android it would be


iOS it seems to be under the "NavigationRouteOptions" class.

The only catch is, if there is not a maxHight or a maxWidth provided it should default to just not including it in the route options, the only reason why I would say to store them in one prop is eventually I imagine this project will include toll avoidance, alley priority, etc.

Thank you so much for everything!!

ChickenBone commented 1 month ago

Addressed in PR #4