YoussefHenna / expo-mapbox-navigation

MIT License
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Expo Mapbox Navigation

A simple Expo wrapper for Mapbox's navigation SDK's on Android and iOS



This package relies on the installtion of @rnmapbox/maps, so you'll have to install and setup as explained in their installtion instructions. The current version of Expo Mapbox Navigation package was developed and tested for Mapbox Maps version 11.3.0, so that is the recommended version when setting up the maps package. It is possible that everything will work with a later version, but unlikely with a lower version.

Make sure to follow the instructions carefully and include the proper token in the config plugin and to call the Mapbox.setAccessToken function. You can be sure everything is good when you're able to render a map.

Install package

Run this command to add the package

npx expo install @youssefhenna/expo-mapbox-navigation

Configure package

In your app.json or app.js, you'll need to add a plugin for the package under the plugins entry with a valid mapbox access token (The one that starts with pk.).

"plugins": [
    ...other plugins
          "accessToken": "<YOUR_TOKEN>"

Additionally you need to enable useFrameworks in your ios config. This can be achieved by using the expo-build-properties package and plugin as follows:

"plugins": [
    ...other plugins
          "ios": {
            "useFrameworks": "static"


After getting location permissions you can render the navigation map as follows anywhere in the app

    style={{ flex: 1 }}
    coordinates={coordinates} />



An array of {latitude: number, longitude: number} objects. This creates a route passing through all the given coordinates. Requires at least 2 points for start and end destinations.


An array of indices representing which of the coordinates is to be considered a waypoint/destination. By default all coordinates are considered waypoints (and show a waypoint indicator), passing this prop allows choosing which of the coordinates are waypoints. At least the first and last element need to be included in the array for a route to render.


When enabled, uses Mapbox's Map Matching API to generate the route instead of the regular navigation route generation APIs. Enable this when you want a more explicit path determined by the coordinates. Mapbox Map Matching API


A string representation of a locale/language code that adjusts the Map labels, directions, and voice where possible. By default, uses the devices locale.


The profile to use for route generation. mapbox/driving-traffic by default. See here for details


An array of road types and locations to exclude from the route. See the exclude param here for details.


The style of the Mapbox map. See here for details.


Called when the user's progress on the route changes. Provides an object in the nativeEvent of type:

  distanceRemaining: number;
  distanceTraveled: number;
  durationRemaining: number;
  fractionTraveled: number;


Called when the cancel navigation button is clicked. The library does not handle cancellation automatically, use this callback to handle the cancellation behaviour.


Called when arrived at one of the given waypoints. On Android ONLY provides an object in the nativeEvent of type:

  distanceRemaining: number;
  distanceTraveled: number;
  durationRemaining: number;
  fractionTraveled: number;


Called when arrived at the final destination


Called when the route changes or reroutes


Called when the user goes off route

Running the example app

Note on Mapbox version updates (for collaborators)

The Android implmentation uses the gradle dependencies and can easily be updated to newer versions.

iOS, however, bundles the Mapbox Navigation SDK into the expo module to be used. As of the date of writing this, the Mapbox Navigation SDK v3 does not support cocoapods and only supports Swift package manager. There is no obvious way on how one can include a package from the Swift package manager into an Expo module, so I opted to bundle the .xcframework package instead.

Cocoapods support is apparently comming soon. When that day comes, this process can be made much easier.

Getting the .xcframework files

To get the .xcframework files, I needed to use the mapbox api authenticated with my download token.

The API follows this format:<PATH>/releases/ios/packages/<VERSION>/<BINARY_NAME>

Specficially for navigation we need the binaries for:

These all live under the navsdk-v3-ios as the PATH. For example: downloads the MapboxDirections binary for the version 3.1.1

To complete the api request, Basic authentication is required with the username mapbox and the password as the download token.

All this is based on the Package.swift file here:

Binary locations can change between each version on the next, so a slightly different set of steps might be needed