YoussefWaelMohamedLotfy / PasswordManagerAssessment

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dotnet7 duende-identityserver

Password Manager - Assessment

My implementation to the tasks for the interview. Tasks can be found in issue #1
UI Design uses Bootstrap 5.2.0

Project Requirements

In order to run the project, .NET 7 (SDK 7.0.100) is required to be installed on your machine in order to run the project.

Project Architecture

The following image shows the current state of the system's architecture. Simple Architecture Diagram

Database Connection String Setup

The database used for development is SQL Server LocalDB Instance that comes with VS Community. So the connection string should be changed to your instance's server address. i.e. Change the (localdb)\MSSQLLocalDB in the AppDbContext File to your instance.

How to run

The following steps shows how to run the project:

IdentityServer Database Migrations

There are 3 DbContexts in IdentityServer project. In case you want to create a new migration for any of them, use the following commands:

Add-Migration <Migration Name> -Context ConfigurationDbContext -OutputDir "Migrations\ConfigurationDb"
Update-Database -Context ConfigurationDbContext
Add-Migration <Migration Name> -Context PersistedGrantDbContext -OutputDir "Migrations\PersistedGrantDb"
Update-Database -Context PersistedGrantDbContext
Add-Migration <Migration Name> -Context AppDbContext -OutputDir "Migrations\AppDb"
Update-Database -Context AppDbContext

Replace <Migration Name> with any name you prefer.

Accounts for logging in

There are 2 accounts stored in-memory that are available for use.

Subject ID Username Password
1 alice Pass123$
2 bob Pass123$