YoutubeLike / CodingTube

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The goal of this project is to replicate 6 youtube's features in 3 weeks \ These features are : \


Clone this repo on your computer

  git clone
  cd CodingTube

Install the node requirement in each file

    cd client
    npm install
    cd ../server
    npm install

And run it in root folder where you clone your repo

    cd ..
    docker compose up 

⚠️Warning the first launch can take a few minutes⚠️

If you encouter any issue with port 5000. Don't worry this is a mac issue you need to desactive AirPlay

This issue is due to Apple protocol who use port 5000 and port 7000

Open your settings go to general -> Airdrop and Handoff -> uncheck Airplay receiver

How to access

You can access to the homepage with


You can access to the bdd with a mysql client

  mysql -u admin -p coditube

If you encouter any issue there an alternative solution

docker exec -it codingtube-bdd-1 /bin/bash
mariadb -u admin -p coditube

The password is the same as username

Tech Stack

Client: React, TailwindCSS

Server: Node, Express

Database: MariaDB