YujiSODE / asciiCore

Simple particle simulation in ascii art.
MIT License
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ascii-art engine javascript particle-simulation tcl


Simple particle simulation in ascii art.
GitHub: https://github.com/YujiSODE/asciiCore
Wiki: https://github.com/YujiSODE/asciiCore/wiki

Copyright (c) 2018 Yuji SODE \yuji.sode@gmail.com\
This software is released under the MIT License.
See LICENSE or http://opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php

1. Description

It generates map list and displays this list.
Command ::asciiCore::setObject can define an object and returns object ID. Command ::asciiCore::remove can remove one or more objects using object ID. Simulation settings can be reset by ::asciiCore::reset;.
Command ::asciiCore::run runs simulation using defined objects. Map data can be cleared using command ::asciiCore::clear. Simulated result can be output as a single JavaScript file using command ::asciiCore::output_JS.

It clears map.

::asciiCore::setObject char rho ?xy0? ?v0? ?a0? ?cr?;
It defines an object and returns its ID.

::asciiCore::remove ?idList?;
It removes objects with given ID list. All objects are removed if ID list is omitted. idList is a list of object IDs.

It resets size and scales for map, and removes all objects.

::asciiCore::run ?n? ?delay?;
It runs simulation. n is model simulated for n-1 time steps, i.e., 0th step is the initial step. delay: delay in milliseconds with default value of 250

::asciiCore::output_JS ?name?;
It outputs log as JavaScript code. name is a name for output JavaScript function with default value of "asciiCore[numbers]"

For detailed description see asciiCore_Documentation01.

3. Script


It requires Tcl 8.6+.

4. Library list

5. Reference