Yujunmo / my_memo-using-fastAPI-

my_memo ( using fastAPI )
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simple memo application

[ develop environment ]


ㄴ language : python==3.10.12
ㄴ framework : fastAPI==0.104.1, uvicorn==0.27.0.=post1


ㄴ template : Jinja2==3.1.3


ㄴ mysql==8.0.36
ㄴ orm lib : sqlalchemy
ㄴ database/connection.py
ㄴ *you need to adjust the code in connection.py to your server environment


ㄴ independent ( linux / window / mac ...etc )

neccessary python libraries

refer to [ requirements ] file
ㄴ requirements file lists all the depending libraries
ㄴ command for installing all the libraries at once : pip install -r requirements

how to execute this app

ㄴ download all the folders under [ project ] folder
directory tree will be like this ...

ㄴ execute your mysql database
ㄴ adjust database/connect.py code
ㄴ pip install -r requiremnets
ㄴ uvicorn main:app --reload

applicaiton will be connected to 8000 port of your server