YunoHost-Apps / navidrome_ynh

Navidrome package for YunoHost
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Navidrome Public Authentiation do not work #101

Open Ju-2006 opened 1 year ago

Ju-2006 commented 1 year ago


Thank you for this wonderful app and the work you done on it to integrate it with yunohost :+1:

On a Yunohost server installed on a VPS, runing other Apps smoothly, I test Navidrome, working well via Yunohost portal or diret url, remove Navidrome to test other apps (Funkwhale and Airsonic-NG) and finally reinstall Navidrome, every thing is working but authentication from client or via public url

Yunohost 11.1.18 (stable) Navidrome 0.49.3~ynh2 My laptop running Fedora 37 Firefox 112.01 Subsonic on Android 13


It work if:

It don't work if:

Tested with other users, result with the same errors

Group "Visitors" have permission "Navidrome", try to remove / set again the permission do not change nothing

Remove Navidrome and reinstall do not solve the issue

Hop you can help me Regards :-) Julien

win8linux commented 1 year ago

Can confirm that this issue still persists as of June 2023.

ericgaspar commented 1 year ago

I think this PR changed authentication to use SSO. If you remove those two lines your should be able to use public auth.

selfhoster1312 commented 1 year ago

It was working for me and still is, but i haven't updated in a while. I just updated right now and it's broken. I'll investigate. Sorry about this!

EDIT: It was in fact still "working" as explained in the next comment. I just changed my Yunohost user password which did not change the Navidrome database password :)

selfhoster1312 commented 1 year ago

OK this was indeed a limitation in the PR i proposed upstream.

For context:

What you can do right now:

I'll try to see if i can think of something better, but it may require much better auth support from Navidrome. EDIT: Upstream navidrome still does not support LDAP so that's not going to be easy/fast :)

Ju-2006 commented 1 year ago

OK this was indeed a limitation in the PR i proposed upstream.

For context:

* Navidrome uses its own password database which needs to be populated when accounts are created from LDAP or SSO ; so when accessing from SSO the password is populated randomly

* There is currently no support for extracting the plaintext password from HTTP header, as is currently provided by SSOWat for Yunohost users

* There is currently no support for authentication from SSO _then_ LDAP if SSO is not populated

What you can do right now:

* if your account was created from LDAP, you can use your LDAP password to access Navidrome

* if your account was created from SSO, you can change your account password using anything (including nothing) as "current" password in the password change form

I'll try to see if i can think of something better, but it may require much better auth support from Navidrome. EDIT: Upstream navidrome still does not support LDAP so that's not going to be easy/fast :)

Hi @selfhoster1312

Thank you for the reply, I was in the LDAP configuration, I changed my password and it just work like that \o/ It's very nice :-)

Have a great day :+1:

selfhoster1312 commented 1 year ago

Hey, great everything is good for you !

I was in the LDAP configuration, I changed my password and it just work like that \o/

Sorry i'm not sure i get it. Changing your LDAP password should not affect Navidrome. Did you mean you changed the navidrome password from the webUI after logging in via Yunohost SSO?

Ju-2006 commented 1 year ago

Yes that's it, I changed the navidrome password from the webUI (sorry for the missinginformations)

dramborleg commented 5 months ago

It might be convenient if this were mentioned somewhere on the app's configuration page in the yunohost management tool. Right now there's a section explaining where the media files are expected to be stored as well as how to change it, so that might be a good place to make note of this so it's more clear to future users.

Would be happy to make a PR myself at some point if it's something that the maintainers wouldn't be opposed to merging.

ericgaspar commented 5 months ago

If relevant, PR are welcome

Chevrah commented 3 months ago

I just reinstalled navidrome, with a clean database.

Logged in with SSO, how do I make this user an admin that can add more public authentication users?

Chevrah commented 3 months ago

NVM figured I need to go on first install to /navidrome/app/#/login was not clear in the documentation.