YunoHost-Apps / navidrome_ynh

Navidrome package for YunoHost
GNU General Public License v3.0
17 stars 4 forks source link
navidrome streamer yunohost yunohost-apps

Navidrome for YunoHost

Integration level Working status Maintenance status

Install Navidrome with YunoHost

Read this README in other languages.

This package allows you to install Navidrome quickly and simply on a YunoHost server.
If you don't have YunoHost, please consult the guide to learn how to install it.


Navidrome a software that allows you to listen to your own digital music in the same way you would with services like Spotify, Apple Music and others. It also allows you to easily share your music and playlists with your friends and family.s Navidrome indexes all digital music stored in your hard drive and makes it available through a nice web player and also by using any Subsonic-API compatible mobile client. Your music becomes searchable and you can create playlists, rate and “favourite” your loved tracks, albums and artists


Shipped version: 0.52.5~ynh1



Screenshot of Navidrome

Documentation and resources

Developer info

Please send your pull request to the testing branch.

To try the testing branch, please proceed like that:

sudo yunohost app install --debug
sudo yunohost app upgrade navidrome -u --debug

More info regarding app packaging: