YuriiPavlenko720 / hospital_table

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Web-application for accounting and organization of treatments in a health care facility.

Applied: Java 21 SpringBoot 3.2.5 MySQL Gradle 8.7 Docker Compose

1) Use DockerCompose for connection to the database. Docker settings see in compose.yaml. 2) Configure mail messages to doctors in src.main.resources.application.properties by entering the data of the required mail service for sending messages. 3) If necessary, change the spring.datasource database access data in src.main.resources.application.properties. 4) Create application-secrets.properties in "src.main.resources" with the following your data: openai.api.key=... spring.mail.password=... spring.security.oauth2.client.registration.google.client-id=... spring.security.oauth2.client.registration.google.client-secret=... prompt.recommendation-request-message="... ${patient} ... ${symptoms} ... ${doctors} ... ". 5) The application by default creates a test database with randomly generated in advance: 5 departments, 13 doctors, 14 wards, 2000 patients and 2000 treatments. If you need to add a certain number of random patients and treatments, use the generators in the "main.java.lemon.hospitaltable.generators" folder by entering the required values ​​in the variables (number, dates, names, diagnoses, etc.). Add the generated sql queries (generated in the same folder with the names insert_patients.sql and insert_treatments.sql) to "main.resources.db.migration" in the following versions, changing the names according to firefly regulations. Attention, treatment is generted without taking into account the capacity of the wards. 6) Starting application at the src.main.java.lemon.hospitaltable.table.TableApplication.