Z0b / Image-Steganography

Image Steganography has been implemented using DCT
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A Comparison of Image Steganography Techniques (LSB vs DCT)

This project was created for CIS*4110: Computer Security at the University of Guelph.


The main requirements are: OpenCV & Pillow. Comparing the results requires matplotlib and other dependencies.


Standard usage is:

stego.py [-h] [-d] [-a] -i FILE [-o FILE] [-s STRING] [-f FILE]
Stego: DCT and LSB Image Steganography

Optional arguments:
-h, --help  Show this help message and exit
-d          Set method to decode, default is encode
-a          Set encoding/decoding algorithm to LSB, default is DCT
-i FILE     Specify input file name
-o FILE     Specify output file name (optional)
-s STRING   Specify message to encrypt
-f FILE     Specify text file containing message

LSB encryption example:

stego.py -i inputFile.jpg -a -s 'message to encrypt'

DCT encryption example:

stego.py -i inputFile.jpg -s 'message to encrypt'

LSB decryption example:

stego.py -i inputFile.jpg -a -d

DCT decryption example:

stego.py -i inputFile.jpg -d