ZGIS / malawi_atlas_public

Source code of the "Malawi Atlas" web application
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Malawi Atlas

This repository contains the code for the Malawi Atlas web application and the GeoServer styles.


How to run:

Tested with Sencha Cmd v6.6 and Ext JS 6.2 (GPL).

Code Fomatting

The code of the website is formatted using the default settings of Prettier. See Makefile for the exact settings.

Code Conventions

The xtype attribute for own components shall start with ma which stand for "Malawi Atlas". This makes sure that there is no confusion with already existing xtypes.


The directory notes contains documentation and experiences.

Vector Images

The directory vector_images contains the original graphic files that can be used to create PNG files.

Changing Layers

All layers are defined in webapp/resources/config.json.

Sphinx Documenation

The folder docs contains the documentation which uses Sphinx generator. Installation on Ubuntu 18.04:

# install sphinx
pip3 install -U Sphinx

# install rtd theme
pip3 install sphinx_rtd_theme

Build HTML

# html
make html

For creating PDFs it is necessary to un-comment the latex_elements settings:

# install rinoh PDF builder
pip3 install rinohtype

# build
sphinx-build -b rinoh . _build/rinoh

The docs can directly pushed to the webserver using the push_docs.sh script.

Getting Started with Ext JS and OpenLayers

This command creates a new Ext JS application with classic mode only:

sencha \
    -sdk /PATH/TO/EXT/ext-6.2.0 \
    generate app -ext -classic \
    MalawiAtlas .

These links contain the documentation for the required libraries, components: