ZJUICI / vllm

A high-throughput and memory-efficient inference and serving engine for LLMs
Apache License 2.0
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Easy, fast, and cheap LLM serving for everyone

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--- **vLLM & NVIDIA Triton User Meetup (Monday, September 9, 5pm-9pm PT) at Fort Mason, San Francisco** We are excited to announce our sixth vLLM Meetup, in collaboration with NVIDIA Triton Team. Join us to hear the vLLM's recent update about performance. Register now [here](https://lu.ma/87q3nvnh) and be part of the event! --- *Latest News* 🔥 - [2024/07] We hosted [the fifth vLLM meetup](https://lu.ma/lp0gyjqr) with AWS! Please find the meetup slides [here](https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1RgUD8aCfcHocghoP3zmXzck9vX3RCI9yfUAB2Bbcl4Y/edit?usp=sharing). - [2024/07] In partnership with Meta, vLLM officially supports Llama 3.1 with FP8 quantization and pipeline parallelism! Please check out our blog post [here](https://blog.vllm.ai/2024/07/23/llama31.html). - [2024/06] We hosted [the fourth vLLM meetup](https://lu.ma/agivllm) with Cloudflare and BentoML! Please find the meetup slides [here](https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1iJ8o7V2bQEi0BFEljLTwc5G1S10_Rhv3beed5oB0NJ4/edit?usp=sharing). - [2024/04] We hosted [the third vLLM meetup](https://robloxandvllmmeetup2024.splashthat.com/) with Roblox! Please find the meetup slides [here](https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1A--47JAK4BJ39t954HyTkvtfwn0fkqtsL8NGFuslReM/edit?usp=sharing). - [2024/01] We hosted [the second vLLM meetup](https://lu.ma/ygxbpzhl) with IBM! Please find the meetup slides [here](https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/12mI2sKABnUw5RBWXDYY-HtHth4iMSNcEoQ10jDQbxgA/edit?usp=sharing). - [2023/10] We hosted [the first vLLM meetup](https://lu.ma/first-vllm-meetup) with a16z! Please find the meetup slides [here](https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1QL-XPFXiFpDBh86DbEegFXBXFXjix4v032GhShbKf3s/edit?usp=sharing). - [2023/08] We would like to express our sincere gratitude to [Andreessen Horowitz](https://a16z.com/2023/08/30/supporting-the-open-source-ai-community/) (a16z) for providing a generous grant to support the open-source development and research of vLLM. - [2023/06] We officially released vLLM! FastChat-vLLM integration has powered [LMSYS Vicuna and Chatbot Arena](https://chat.lmsys.org) since mid-April. Check out our [blog post](https://vllm.ai). --- ## About vLLM is a fast and easy-to-use library for LLM inference and serving. vLLM is fast with: - State-of-the-art serving throughput - Efficient management of attention key and value memory with **PagedAttention** - Continuous batching of incoming requests - Fast model execution with CUDA/HIP graph - Quantizations: [GPTQ](https://arxiv.org/abs/2210.17323), [AWQ](https://arxiv.org/abs/2306.00978), INT4, INT8, and FP8. - Optimized CUDA kernels, including integration with FlashAttention and FlashInfer. - Speculative decoding - Chunked prefill **Performance benchmark**: We include a [performance benchmark](https://buildkite.com/vllm/performance-benchmark/builds/4068) that compares the performance of vLLM against other LLM serving engines ([TensorRT-LLM](https://github.com/NVIDIA/TensorRT-LLM), [text-generation-inference](https://github.com/huggingface/text-generation-inference) and [lmdeploy](https://github.com/InternLM/lmdeploy)). vLLM is flexible and easy to use with: - Seamless integration with popular Hugging Face models - High-throughput serving with various decoding algorithms, including *parallel sampling*, *beam search*, and more - Tensor parallelism and pipeline parallelism support for distributed inference - Streaming outputs - OpenAI-compatible API server - Support NVIDIA GPUs, AMD CPUs and GPUs, Intel CPUs and GPUs, PowerPC CPUs, TPU, and AWS Neuron. - Prefix caching support - Multi-lora support vLLM seamlessly supports most popular open-source models on HuggingFace, including: - Transformer-like LLMs (e.g., Llama) - Mixture-of-Expert LLMs (e.g., Mixtral) - Embedding Models (e.g. E5-Mistral) - Multi-modal LLMs (e.g., LLaVA) Find the full list of supported models [here](https://docs.vllm.ai/en/latest/models/supported_models.html). ## Getting Started Install vLLM with `pip` or [from source](https://vllm.readthedocs.io/en/latest/getting_started/installation.html#build-from-source): ```bash pip install vllm ``` Visit our [documentation](https://vllm.readthedocs.io/en/latest/) to learn more. - [Installation](https://vllm.readthedocs.io/en/latest/getting_started/installation.html) - [Quickstart](https://vllm.readthedocs.io/en/latest/getting_started/quickstart.html) - [Supported Models](https://vllm.readthedocs.io/en/latest/models/supported_models.html) ## Contributing We welcome and value any contributions and collaborations. Please check out [CONTRIBUTING.md](./CONTRIBUTING.md) for how to get involved. ## Sponsors vLLM is a community project. Our compute resources for development and testing are supported by the following organizations. Thank you for your support! - a16z - AMD - Anyscale - AWS - Crusoe Cloud - Databricks - DeepInfra - Dropbox - Google Cloud - Lambda Lab - NVIDIA - Replicate - Roblox - RunPod - Sequoia Capital - Skywork AI - Trainy - UC Berkeley - UC San Diego - ZhenFund We also have an official fundraising venue through [OpenCollective](https://opencollective.com/vllm). We plan to use the fund to support the development, maintenance, and adoption of vLLM. ## Citation If you use vLLM for your research, please cite our [paper](https://arxiv.org/abs/2309.06180): ```bibtex @inproceedings{kwon2023efficient, title={Efficient Memory Management for Large Language Model Serving with PagedAttention}, author={Woosuk Kwon and Zhuohan Li and Siyuan Zhuang and Ying Sheng and Lianmin Zheng and Cody Hao Yu and Joseph E. Gonzalez and Hao Zhang and Ion Stoica}, booktitle={Proceedings of the ACM SIGOPS 29th Symposium on Operating Systems Principles}, year={2023} } ```