ZLX72 / ATM-Setup

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Create the wireframe design of the ATM user interface includes the main screen, the button involved, navigation between screens

Link to PowerPoint Template: https://utpmy-my.sharepoint.com/:p:/g/personal/soltan_21000865_utp_edu_my/EeWsuoNTCRpGg6czboaeAXABsyJTZrBUl_MVpLWBb2v6Sw?e=jTcHkp

Job Distribution: Balance Inquiry: Aun Withdrawal: Zahra Instant Transfer: Sultan

Progress Update:

ATM Intro UI (until Menu Page) - Completed by Sultan --> For more info, can refer Balance Inquiry Issue --> Link: https://github.com/ZLX72/ATM-Setup/issues/1#issue-1616736471

ATM Balance Inquiry UI - Completed by Sultan --> For more info, can refer Balance Inquiry Issue --> Link: https://github.com/ZLX72/ATM-Setup/issues/2

ATM Instant Transfer Module - Completed by Zahra --> For more info, can refer Instant Transfer Module --> Link: https://github.com/ZLX72/ATM-Setup/issues/3

ATM Withdrawal Module - Completed by Aun --> For more info, can refer Withdrawal Module --> Link: https://github.com/ZLX72/ATM-Setup/issues/4