ZRiddle / PokeAlertsOnboarding

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"Gotta catch 'em all" - John F. Kennedy

Must receive invite from current member to join


Sign up

You first must recieve an invite from a current member

Part 1 - Create Account

Part 2 - Download App

Part 3 - Sign into PokeAlerts

You're in!

Joining Channels

Pick which channels to recieve pokemon alerts for


Current Channels

Added a better map for this here


In no particular order yet...

Can you put bots in my area?

We aren't expanding to more areas right now

Helping Out

Supporting the Community

So far the chat and comments have been positive and helpful. Help us keep it that way! If we don't have to babysit the chat then we get to spend time doing awesome things for this! Helping new users get started and answering questions also takes a lot off of our plate.

Spreading the Good Word

We're excited to share this with more people. If you know someone who will use this, invite them!



We're just some guys that wanted to share our cool Snorlax + Dragonite finder.
Any donations will help a ton as we're currently building this with our own time and money.
You can donate with the Paypal Button above or to the Venmo account @PokeAlerts.

We're excited to expand this to new regions and add better features.

Thank you for all the support!