ZZROTDesign / alpine-ghost

Ghost Container running in Alpine Linux
MIT License
14 stars 13 forks source link

update ghost to 0.9.0 #4

Closed blockloop closed 7 years ago

blockloop commented 7 years ago

Fix #3

killianbrackey commented 7 years ago

Thanks for the help @blockloop!

blockloop commented 7 years ago

@killianbrackey does CI push to docker hub? I saw that Travis build completed but didn't see anything about pushing the image in the .travis.yml file.

kilpatty commented 7 years ago

It will automatically push on a retag, working on that now!

kilpatty commented 7 years ago

@blockloop It is building on docker hub now :)

blockloop commented 7 years ago

If only there were more 1 char PRs...