ZZROTDesign / alpine-ghost

Ghost Container running in Alpine Linux
MIT License
14 stars 13 forks source link

Ghost on Alpine Linux

Build Status Docker Pulls

This is a Docker image for Ghost. This image runs with a base of Alpine-Linux making it extremely small, secure and fast.

This image is also available on Docker Hub.


We recommend using our images in conjunction with Docker-Compose. This allows for easier creation of containers with the proper volumes and ports enabled.

We have included an example docker-compose file to show how this image might be used both for development and production in a different project.

This image works out of the box with no volumes. It differs from the official Docker Ghost image by including a config.js file with some env variables defined.

  1. DEV_DOMAIN = Is the domain that is reachable on your development machine. This is typically your docker-machine host ip
  2. PROD_DOMAIN = When running this image in production (NODE_ENV=production), this is the domain that is used.

This image also runs with containers. It will accept a volume from your ghost content folder, as well as a custom config.js file. These must point to /var/lib/ghost/ - See the example docker-compose for specification.

Available ENV Variables


Getting Started

To run this container with the predefined defaults:

docker run -p 2368:2368 zzrot/alpine-ghost

Now the Ghost container will be available at your.dockermachine.ip:2368.

See the example compose file for specification of including the ENV variables as well as the volumes.


This image has one volume that can be utilized. By connecting a folder with:


You can not only keep your data persistent, but also upload a custom config.js file. In order to do this connect your volume like this:


Contributing to Alpine-Ghost

Team members

Don't hesitate to get in contact with either one of us with problems, questions, etc.

Adding new features

Don’t get discouraged! We estimate that the response time from the maintainers is around: 24 hours.

Reporting Security Issues

If you discover a security issue in this Docker image, please report it by sending an email to docker@zzrot.com

This will allow us to assess the risk, and make a fix available before we add a bug report to the GitHub repository.

Thanks for helping make this image safe for everyone!


The code is available under the MIT License.