ZaBAOW / Notice_M3

A chrome browser extension that connects to Twitches chat channels and notifies users of increased rate in chat messages that are sent to the channel.
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Notice_M3 Readme

A chrome browser extension that connects to Twitches chat channels and notifies users of increased rate in chat messages that are sent to the channel.

DISCLAIMER: Twitch is currently beta testing a newer version of the twitch UI. Notice_M3 currently does not work on the beta version of twitch. If you have the beta version active, but want Notice_M3 to work, simply open the drop down menu with the arrow located in the top right corner of the window, and uncheck the box next to "beta site". This will bring you back to the original version of the site and Notice_me will work.

Notice_M3's use: The purpose of Notice_M3 is to help users know if something of note has occured on a twitch stream that they have running, but are not actively watching by reading the rate of chat message additions and sending the user a clickable notification as a shortcut to said stream.

How Notice_M3 parses Twitch chat: Notice_M3 will read every twitch chat message created at the load time of the channel. Results are measured in "messages/minute" (mpm). After the threshold is set in the first minute of parsing Notice_M3 will then check its results every minute against the threshold, and will only notify the user if that result is equal to or greater than the set threshold.

Future features to be added:

Installment Intructions:

  1. Clone/Download files from the repository into a file you can find.
  2. Open google chrome go to extension manager page (chrome://extensions).
  3. Check Developer mode box at the top of the page
  4. Click "Load unpacked extension..." button.
  5. Find the folder you put the files into and press "ok".
  6. Counter extension should pop up in the extensions list.
  7. enable extension and you're done.
