ZachMassia / PlatformIO-Mode

PlatformIO Integration for Emacs
GNU General Public License v3.0
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PlatformIO Mode


platformio-mode is an Emacs minor mode which allows quick building and uploading of PlatformIO projects with a few short key sequences.

Code completion can be provided by installing any package compatible with .ccls files, such as ccls. To keep the index up to date, run platformio-init-update-workspace (C-c i i) after installing any libraries.


Currently the only dependency is Projectile to facilitate running commands in the project root.


The default keymap prefix is C-c i.

The following keybindings are currently available.

Function Keymap
Build C-c i b
Upload C-c i u
Upload using Programmer C-c i p
Upload SPIFFS C-c i s
Monitor device C-c i m
Clean C-c i c
Update C-c i d
Update Workspace C-c i i
Boards List C-c i l


The recommended way to install PlatformIO-Mode is using MELPA.


Here is a sample config using PlatformIO-Mode in conjunction with ccls.

(require 'platformio-mode)

;; Enable ccls for all c++ files, and platformio-mode only
;; when needed (platformio.ini present in project root).
(add-hook 'c++-mode-hook (lambda ()