ZachSaucier / Disintegrate

A small JS library to break DOM elements into animated Canvas particles.
MIT License
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animation canvas dom html2canvas javascript particles plugin


A small JS library to break DOM elements into animated Canvas particles.

For information about the technique itself, check out the related CSS-Tricks article.


You can either include html2canvas.js and Disintegrate.js directly into your project before using it or use npm install disintegrate. Make sure to call disintegrate.init() after Disintegrate (and html2canvas) is loaded for it to start applying its effects.


Built-in particle types

Creating custom effects

Adding a custom particle type

To add a custom particle type, simply create your particle to match the following format. For examples of custom particle creation, see the self-contained demo source.

/* These are the attributes that Disintegrate will update or call in a Particle */
var ExampleParticle = function() {
  // Used to determine the correct particle type based on the data-dis-particle-type = "ExampleParticle";

  // Used to calculate the total percent finished of the animation
  // It should the equal to the longest time you want a particle to animate for
  this.animationDuration = <int>;

  // Updated only once when created
  this.startX = <int>;
  this.startY = <int>;
  this.rgbArray = [r, g, b, <a>];

  // Called until percent is greater than 1 (100%)
  this.draw = function(ctx, percent) { };

Then call disintegrate.addParticleType(ExampleParticle);.

Creating custom animations

In addition to the examples shown in the demos, you can use any CSS or JavaScript animations on the Disintegrate element and optionally container element. Animations have no effect on simultaneous Disintegrate elements.

Disintegrate HTML attributes

Applied on the Disintegrate element itself:

Applied on the desired container:

Used in the demos for continuity but has no direct connection to Disintegrate:

Disintegrate JavaScript events

These events are fired on the window.

These events are fired on the Disintegrate element itself.

Exposed API

After including disintegrate.js, the following are available to your code to use as needed:

  elem: myImg,
  data: {
    disType: "simultaneous",
    disParticleType: "ExplodingParticle",
    disReductionFactor: 111

Each disintegrate object also has a .kill() method that removes disintegrate object from the stored data and removes the relevant canvas from the page. This can be especially helpful when paired with the disComplete event:

disObj.elem.addEventListener("disComplete", () => disObj.kill() );

Known limitations

Most limitations on this approach stem from the use of html2canvas to render the DOM element on a Canvas. This includes, but is not limited to, nested transforms within the Disintegrate element and the lack of clip path support. For a more full list of limitations caused by html2canvas, look at its feature page).