ZackFreedman / MiRage

The most hackable keyboard in all the land
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MiRage Modular Keyboard

© 2021 Zack Freedman of Voidstar Lab

Licensed Creative Commons 4.0 Attribution Noncommercial Share-Alike

The MiRage is a 60% ortholinear keyboard with three clickable OLED displays, intended for Kailh Choc switches and running custom CircuitPython firmware on a Seeedstudio Xiao RP2040.


The PCB can be populated as-is for a "plank" keyboard or broken in half for a split board. The right half can be used independently as the Rage Pad numberpad/macro pad/stream deck.

This was designed for a YouTube video on my channel: It will be improved and sold as a kit, and will form part of a larger project called the Fata Morgana cyberdeck.

Fusion 360 model:

The PCB, firmware, keymaps, and models have major issues that need to be fixed before moving forward. This project is not ready to be reproduced. Do not attempt to make it. Keymap instructions, assembly guide, BOM, and other documentation will be provided once the project is ready for release.

My component choices are final. Attempts to change my mind will be roasted in a future video.

Libraries are temporarily included for testing purposes. These will be replaced by references on release.

Keymaps are lists of bindings in the format: R[Row #], K[Key #]: [Key name (optional)] # Comments start with a hash On press: [Command(s) to perform once as soon as user presses key] On click: [Command(s) to perform when user presses and releases key within a few hundred milliseconds] On double-click: [Command(s) to perform when user presses and releases key twice within a few hundred milliseconds. The dash in 'double-click' is not optional.] On hold: [Command(s) to perform when user holds key for more than a few hundred ms. These generally repeat or remain in effect until the key is released.] On release: [Command(s) to perform once when user releases key. This is done after On Click and On Double-Click events are finished, and after ongoing On Hold events are cleaned up.]

Actions you can bind to a key or event:

Row and key numbers are zero-indexed, and refer to the physical placement of the keys on the keyboard. These have nothing to do with the schematic. It's common sense numbering Row 0, Key 0 is the top-left key.

Whitespace and line terminators are irrelevent. You can even use tabs, you sick bastard. UTF-8 encoding is strongly recommended; not sure how well Python handles bigger characters.

You can actually define the same key and same key action multiple times in the same map. This has the same effect as creating Sequences, and is extremely obnoxious to debug. I can't prevent you from doing it, but I can say "I told you so."

Layer Gotchas!

PCB problems to fix:

Enclosure problems to fix:

Code problems to fix (that I can remember off the top of my head, there are a lot)

Additional things to create: