ZackLarsen / dbt-synthea

Data modeling exercise using synthetic healthcare patient data
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This project is a data modeling exercise using synthetic healthcare patient data with dbt, or data build tool. It uses the dbt-duckdb adapter for dbt to create a local database file that can be queried using SQL to run the data model and perform the transformations.


Download here:

dbt models

A SQL model is a select statement. Models are defined in .sql files (typically in your models directory):

dbt functions

The most important function in dbt is ref(); it's impossible to build even moderately complex models without it. ref() is how you reference one model within another. This is a very common behavior, as typically models are built to be "stacked" on top of one another.

ref() is, under the hood, actually doing two important things. First, it is interpolating the schema into your model file to allow you to change your deployment schema via configuration. Second, it is using these references between models to automatically build the dependency graph. This will enable dbt to deploy models in the correct order when using dbt run.

Data transformation best practices

dbt has some recommended best practices for transforming data. The data model is divided into different layers, each of which has certain operations applied to it. The layers and their associated operations are shown below as a directory tree and in more detail in the following sections.

├── analyses
├── seeds
│   └── employees.csv
├── dbt_project.yml
├── macros
│   └── cents_to_dollars.sql
├── models
│   ├── intermediate
│   │   └── finance
│   │       ├── _int_finance__models.yml
│   │       └── int_payments_pivoted_to_orders.sql
│   ├── marts
│   │   ├── finance
│   │   │   ├── _finance__models.yml
│   │   │   ├── orders.sql
│   │   │   └── payments.sql
│   │   └── marketing
│   │       ├── _marketing__models.yml
│   │       └── customers.sql
│   ├── staging
│   │   ├── jaffle_shop
│   │   │   ├──
│   │   │   ├── _jaffle_shop__models.yml
│   │   │   ├── _jaffle_shop__sources.yml
│   │   │   ├── base
│   │   │   │   ├── base_jaffle_shop__customers.sql
│   │   │   │   └── base_jaffle_shop__deleted_customers.sql
│   │   │   ├── stg_jaffle_shop__customers.sql
│   │   │   └── stg_jaffle_shop__orders.sql
│   │   └── stripe
│   │       ├── _stripe__models.yml
│   │       ├── _stripe__sources.yml
│   │       └── stg_stripe__payments.sql
│   └── utilities
│       └── all_dates.sql
├── packages.yml
├── snapshots
└── tests
    └── assert_positive_value_for_total_amount.sql

Quote from dbt's modular data modeling techniques guide:

In our data models in dbt, we’re aiming to bring data together and standardize much of the prep work that comes with making an analysis. We are not looking to pre-build in the data warehouse every analysis or complex aggregation that may come up in the future.

See this guide for more information.

Query readability

Other than the model itself and its associated naming conventions for folders, always strive to keep individual model SQL files to roughly 100 lines of code for high readability. Generally data models shorter than 100 lines have avoided doing overly complex joining, either by limiting the raw number of joins, or by joining in simple ways (repeatedly on the same key).

If some of your queries contain a lot of boilerplate such as UNION ALL statements, consider moving that code into a jinja macro to keep the model SQL files short and readable. Macros are ideal for thing that are either impossible or tedious to do in SQL code.


Once the data model has been built, it's time to add tests to ensure the data model is working as expected. Tests are written in SQL and are run against the data warehouse. They are run using the dbt test command. See the testing section of the dbt docs for more information.


Once your environment has been defined and you have used mamba (or conda) to create it and install the necessary packages, you can clone this repo and run dbt commands from the command line.

git clone

Change into the dbt-synthea directory from the command line:

cd dbt-synthea

To create a new dbt project, dbt instructs us to run this command in the terminal, but it seems to fail, so I skipped this step and just created a profiles.yml file manually (see the next step for details on the contents).

dbt init dbt-synthea

Instead of running dbt init, I simply created my profiles.yml file using guidance from Josh Wills in his dbt-duckdb GitHub repository and the corresponding page on the dbt docs site.

For example, to use DuckDB, your profiles.yml file should look like this:

  target: dev
      type: duckdb
      path: '/Users/zacklarsen/Documents/Documents - Zack’s Mac mini/Projects/dbt-synthea/synthea.duckdb'
        - httpfs
        - parquet

Ensure your profile is setup correctly from the command line:

dbt debug

Load the CSVs with the demo data set. This materializes the CSVs as tables in your target schema. Note that a typical dbt project does not require this step since dbt assumes your raw data is already in your warehouse.

dbt seed

Note: dbt seed only allows .csv files, and I ran into parsing errors due to the data types, so instead of using the seed command, I used the following Python command in the eda.ipynb notebook to load the data as .parquet files into DuckDB

con = duckdb.connect('synthea.duckdb')

seed_path = Path('./seeds/')

for parquet_file in seed_path.glob('*.parquet'):
        CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS {parquet_file.stem} AS 
        SELECT * FROM read_parquet('{parquet_file}');

Run dbt run in your terminal to compile and run your dbt project. This will create a compiled SQL file for your example_model and execute it against your DuckDB database.

dbt run

NOTE: If this steps fails, it might mean that you need to make small changes to the SQL in the models folder to adjust for the flavor of SQL of your target database. Definitely consider this if you are using a community-contributed adapter.

Test the output of the models:

dbt test

Generate documentation for the project:

dbt docs generate

View the documentation for the project:

dbt docs serve

Navigate to your browser and go to http://localhost:8080 to view the documentation. Click on the lower right corner to view the data lineage graph for your project, which shows a DAG of the source tables and transformations.

Query newly created tables from seeds using DuckDB

At the terminal, issue these two commands. The first initializes a DuckDB session and the second opens our saved synthea duckdb database file created when we ran the dbt models.


.open synthea.duckdb

In the duckdb session that opens, you can query the newly created tables by issuing SQL commands.:

FROM patients


Lineage Graph

Lineage Graph


This repo contains seeds that include synthetically-generated but realistic healthcare data from the Synthea project.


Define your python environment in an environment.yaml file. It must have duckdb and dbt-duckdb installed to work properly. It can look something like this:

name: dbt_duckdb
  - defaults
  - conda-forge
  - python=3.10
  - pip
  - pip:
    - pyarrow
    - polars
    - duckdb
    - dbt-duckdb
    - ipykernel
    - jupyter
    - deltalake
    - seaborn
    - matplotlib

Install the DuckDB adapter for dbt and other necessary dependencies by running the following mamba command in your terminal:

mamba env create -f environment.yaml

To update your environment, run the following mamba command in your terminal:

mamba env update --file environment.yaml --prune

To activate the environment, run the following mamba command in your terminal:

mamba activate dbt_duckdb