A dotnet CLI tool to generate type-safe F# and Fable clients from OpenAPI/Swagger/OData services.
dotnet tool install -g hawaii
Create a configuration file called hawaii.json
with the following shape:
"schema": <schema>,
"project": <project>,
"output": <output>,
["target"]: <"fsharp" | "fable">
["synchronous"]: <true | false>,
["asyncReturnType"]: <"async" | "task">,
["resolveReferences"]: <true | false>,
["emptyDefinitions"]: <"ignore" | "free-form">,
["overrideSchema"]: <JSON schema subset>,
["filterTags"]: <list of tags>
is a URL to the OpenApi/Swagger/OData location, whether that is an external URL or a relative file path. In case of OData services, the external URL has to end with $metadata
which points to the Edm model of that service (see TripPinService example below) or it can be a local .xml
file that contains the schema<project>
is the name of the project that will get generated<output>
is a relative path to the output directory where the project will be generated. (Note: this directory is deleted and re-generated when you run hawaii
is an optional flag that determines whether hawaii should generate client methods that run http requests synchronously. This is useful when used inside console applications. (set to false by default)<target>
specifies whether hawaii should generate a client for F# on dotnet (default) or a Fable client<asyncReturnType>
is an option to determine whether hawaii should generate client methods that return Async<'T>
when set to "async" (default) or Task<'T>
when set to "task" (this option is irrelevant when the synchronous
option is set to true
determines whether hawaii will attempt to resolve external references via schema pre-processing. This is set to false
by default but sometimes an OpenApi schema is scattered into multiple schemas across a repository and this might help with the resolution.<emptyDefintions>
determines what hawaii should do when encountering a global type definition without schema information. When set to "ignore" (default) hawaii will generate the global type. However, sometimes these global types are still referenced from other types or definitions, in which case the setting this option to "free-form" will generate a type abbreviation for the empty schema equal to a free form object (JToken
when targetting F# or obj
when targetting Fable)<overrideSchema>
Allows you to override the resolved schema either to add more information (such as a missing operation ID) or correct the types when you know better (see below)<filterTags>
Allows to filter which operations will be included based on their OpenAPI tags. Useful when generating the full schema isn't possible or isn't practical. To see what tags are available, use hawaii --show-tags
Here is an example configuration for the pet store API:
"schema": "https://petstore3.swagger.io/api/v3/openapi.json",
"output": "./output",
"project": "PetStore",
"synchronous": true
After you have the configuration ready, run hawaii
in the directory where you have the hawaii.json
You can also tell hawaii where to find the configuration file if it wasn't named hawaii.json
, for example
hawaii --config ./petstore-hawaii.json
Once hawaii has finished running, you find a fully generated F# project inside of the <output>
directory. This project can be referenced from your application so you can start using it.
You can reference the project like this from your app like this:
<ProjectReference Include="..\path\to\output\PetStore.fsproj" />
Then from your code:
open System
open System.Net.Http
open PetStore
open PetStore.Types
let petStoreUri = Uri "https://petstore3.swagger.io/api/v3"
let httpClient = new HttpClient(BaseAddress=petStoreUri)
let petStore = PetStoreClient(httpClient)
let availablePets() =
let status = PetStatus.Available.Format()
match petStore.findPetsByStatus(status) with
| FindPetsByStatus.OK pets -> for pet in pets do printfn $"{pet.name}"
| FindPetsByStatus.BadRequest -> printfn "Bad request"
// inventory : Map<string, int>
let (GetInventory.OK(inventory)) = petStore.getInventory()
for (status, quantity) in Map.toList inventory do
printfn $"There are {quantity} pet(s) {status}"
Notice that you have to provide your own HttpClient
to the PetStoreClient
and set the BaseAddress
to the base path of the service.
"schema": "https://services.odata.org/V4/(S(s3lb035ptje4a1j0bvkmqqa0))/TripPinServiceRW/$metadata",
"project": "TripPinService",
"output": "./output"
Sometimes you want to see how Hawaii generated a client from an OData schema.
You use the following command to generate the intermediate OpenAPI specs file in the form of JSON.
Then you can inspect it but also modify then use it as your <schema>
when you need to make corrections to the generated client
hawaii --from-odata-schema {schema} --output {output}
is either a URL to an external OData schema or local .xml file which the contents of the schema{output}
is a relative file path where the translated OpenAPI specs will be writtenExample of such command
hawaii --from-odata-schema "https://services.odata.org/V4/(S(s3lb035ptje4a1j0bvkmqqa0))/TripPinServiceRW/$metadata" --output ./TripPin.json
You can ask hawaii which version it is currently on:
hawaii --version
If you don't want the logo to show up in your CI or local machine, add --no-logo
as the last parameter
hawaii --no-logo
hawaii --config ./hawaii.json --no-logo
OpenAPI schemas can be very loose and not always typed. Sometimes they will be missing operation IDs on certain paths. Although Hawaii will attempt to derive valid operation IDs from the path, name collisions can sometimes happen.
Hawaii provides the overrideSchema
option to allow you to "fix" the source schema or add more information when its missing.
Here is an example for how you can override operation IDs for certain paths
"overrideSchema": {
"paths": {
"/consumer/v1/services/{id}/allocations": {
"get": {
"operationId": "getAllocationsForCustomerByServiceId"
"/consumer/v1/services/allocations/{id}": {
"get": {
"operationId": "getAllocationIdFromCustomerServices"
The overrideSchema
property basically takes a subset of another schema and merges it with the source schema.
You can go a step further by overriding the return types of certain responses. The following example shows how you can get the raw text output from the default response of a path instead of getting a typed response:
"overrideSchema": {
"paths": {
"/bin/querybuilder.json": {
"get": {
"responses": {
"default": {
"content": {
"application/json": {
"schema": {
"type": "string"
These are the very early days of Hawaii as a tool to generate F# clients and there are some known limitations and rough edges that I will be working on:
not supported unless they contain a single element, in which case they are reduced awayYou can watch the live coding sessions as a playlist published on YouTube here
cd ./build
# run hawaii against multiple config permutations
dotnet run -- generate-and-build
# run hawaii against 10 schemas
dotnet run -- integration
# run hawaii agains the first {n} schemas out of ~2000 and see the progress
dotnet run -- rate {n}