ZarinPal / Android-SDK

ZarinPal Android Client in-App Billing
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ZarinPal In App Billing - Purchase SDK | MPG

ZarinPal Purchase SDK Provides payment methods on your Android Application. Java Readme here if You want to develop it.


ZarinPal in-app purchases are the simplest solution to selling digital products or content on Android apps. So many app developers who want to sell digital goods or offer premium membership to users can simply use the it, in-app billing process for smooth and easy checkouts.




Step 1

Add this to your root build.gradle at the end of repositories.

    allprojects {
      ext.zarinpalSdkVersion = (LATEST_VERSION_REALEASE) //inform of Releases:
      repositories {

Step 2

Add the dependency:

    dependencies {
      implementation 'com.zarinpal:payment-provider:ext.zarinpalSdkVersion'

If your project and business trusted to ZarinPal, SDK ables to providing Mobile Payment Gateway on your App so You should add the MPG dependency:

    dependencies {
      implementation 'com.zarinpal:payment-provider:ext.zarinpalSdkVersion'
      implementation 'com.zarinpal:mpg:ext.zarinpalSdkVersion'

How to use

Initialize the billing client

Step 1

**Step 2**

For start purchase you need a `Purchase` instance, `Purchase` has 3 type of Payment:

*   as **Payment Request** by `asPaymentRequest()`
*   as **Authority ID** by `asAuthority()`
*   as **Sku ID** by `asSku()`

If you would create payment Authority on Client, You must use `asPayementRequest()`, this method needs below parameters:

**Require Parameters:**

*   Merchant id: An unique ID of your business payment gateway.
*   Amount: Amount of Purchase.
*   Callback URL: A valid `URL` Address for sending result purchase.
*   Description: A Content for showing payer.

**Optional Parameters:**

*   Mobile: Valid Mobile number of payer.
*   Email: Valid Email Address of payer.

    val purchase = Purchase.newBuilder()
                "1000IRR Purchase"

Maybe You had Authority, here You must use asAuthority()

       val purchase = Purchase .newBuilder()

for Sku purchase:

      val purchase = Purchase.newBuilder()
            .asSku("SKU_ID") // SKU_ID is an Id that you've generated on ZarinPal panel.

Step 3

You must call purchase method to begin flow payment:

        client.launchBillingFlow(purchase, object : FutureCompletionListener<Receipt> {
            override fun onComplete(task: TaskResult<Receipt>) {
                if (task.isSuccess) {
                    val receipt = task.success
                    Log.v("ZP_RECEIPT", receipt?.transactionID)

                    //here you can send receipt data to your server

                } else {

Step 4

Finally if your eligible to have payment process through MPG You should adding usesCleartextTraffic to application tag in your Manifest.xml


SKU Query

The ZarinPal Library stores the query results in a List of SkuPurchased objects. You can then call querySkuPurchased and you appear sku purchased with inforamtion in your view and provide service.

   val skuQuery = SkuQueryParams.newBuilder("MERCHANT_ID")
            .setSkuList(listOf("SKU_ID_000", "SKU_ID_001"))

    client.querySkuPurchased(skuQuery, object : FutureCompletionListener<List<SkuPurchased>> {
            override fun onComplete(task: TaskResult<List<SkuPurchased>>) {
                if (task.isSuccess){
                    val skuPurchaseList = task.success
                    skuPurchaseList?.forEach {
                        Log.v("ZP_SKU_PURCHASED", "${it.authority} ${it.productId}")


a Kotlin extensions for the ZarinPal SDK for Android and Utility Library. These extensions provide Kotlin language features in Coroutines async method:

    dependencies {
      implementation 'com.zarinpal:payment-provider-ktx:ext.zarinpalSdkVersion'

and to invoke purchase suspendable method in coroutine scope to start purchase flow:

     CoroutineScope(Dispatchers.IO).launch {
            try {
                val receipt = client.launchBillingFlow(purchase)
                Log.v("ZP_RECEIPT", receipt.transactionID)
            } catch (ex: Exception) {

invoke querySkuPurchasedsuspendable method in coroutine scope to start purchase flow:

       CoroutineScope(Dispatchers.IO).launch {
            try {
                val skuPurchaseList = client.querySkuPurchased(skuQuery)
                skuPurchaseList?.forEach {
                    Log.v("ZP_SKU_PURCHASED", "${it.authority} ${it.productId}")
            } catch (ex: Exception) {


A contract is a middlware between ZarinPal SDK and your server that provides a new payment provider as credit or digital wallet.

    dependencies {
      implementation 'com.zarinpal:contract:ext.zarinpalSdkVersion'


Dark Mode


Appear Invoice




The ZarinPal Android SDK will configure your app’s procured (ruls or text file link)

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