ZeevG / python-forecast.io

A thin Python Wrapper for the Dark Sky (formerly forecast.io) weather API
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Dark Sky Wrapper

.. image:: https://travis-ci.org/ZeevG/python-forecast.io.svg?branch=master

This is a wrapper for the Dark Sky (formerly forecast.io) API. It allows you to get the weather for any location, now, in the past, or future.

The Basic Use section covers enough to get you going. I suggest also reading the source if you want to know more about how to use the wrapper or what its doing (it's very simple).

Installation ############ You should use pip to install python-forecastio.


Requirements ############

Basic Use #########

Although you don't need to know anything about the Dark Sky API to use this module, their docs are available at https://darksky.net/dev/.

To use the wrapper:

.. code-block:: python

import forecastio

api_key = "YOUR API KEY"
lat = -31.967819
lng = 115.87718

forecast = forecastio.load_forecast(api_key, lat, lng)

The load_forecast() method has a few optional parameters. Providing your API key, a latitude and longitude are the only required parameters.

Use the forecast.DataBlockType() eg. currently(), daily(), hourly(), minutely() methods to load the data you are after.

These methods return a DataBlock. Except currently() which returns a DataPoint.

.. code-block:: python

byHour = forecast.hourly()
print byHour.summary
print byHour.icon

The .data attributes for each DataBlock is a list of DataPoint objects. This is where all the good data is :)

.. code-block:: python

for hourlyData in byHour.data:
    print hourlyData.temperature

Advanced ########

function forecastio.load_forecast(key, latitude, longitude)

This makes an API request and returns a Forecast object (see below).


function forecastio.manual(url)

This function allows manual creation of the URL for the Dark Sky API request. This method won't be required often but can be used to take advantage of new or beta features of the API which this wrapper does not support yet. Returns a Forecast object (see below).


class forecastio.models.Forecast

The Forecast object, it contains both weather data and the HTTP response from Dark Sky



class forecastio.models.ForecastioDataBlock

Contains data about a forecast over time.

Attributes (descriptions taken from the darksky.net website)

class forecastio.models.ForecastioDataPoint

Contains data about a forecast at a particular time.

Data points have many attributes, but not all of them are always available. Some commonly used ones are:

Attributes (descriptions taken from the darksky.net website)

For a full list of ForecastioDataPoint attributes and attribute descriptions, take a look at the Dark Sky data point documentation (https://darksky.net/dev/docs/response#data-point)

How Timezones Work

Requests with a naive datetime (no time zone specified) will correspond to the supplied time in the requesting location. If a timezone aware datetime object is supplied, the supplied time will be in the associated timezone.

Returned times eg the time parameter on the currently DataPoint are always in UTC time even if making a request with a timezone. If you want to manually convert to the locations local time, you can use the offset and timezone attributes of the forecast object.

Typically, would would want to do something like this:

.. code-block:: python


lat = 52.370235 lng = 4.903549 current_time = datetime(2015, 2, 27, 6, 0, 0) forecast = forecastio.load_forecast(api_key, lat, lng, time=current_time)

Be caerful, things can get confusing when doing something like the below. Given that I'm looking up the weather in Amsterdam (+2) while I'm in Perth, Australia (+8).

.. code-block:: python


lat = 52.370235 lng = 4.903549

current_time = datetime.datetime.now()

forecast = forecastio.load_forecast(api_key, lat, lng, time=current_time)

The result is actually a request for the weather in the future in Amsterdam (by 6 hours). In addition, since all returned times are in UTC, it will report a time two hours behind the local time in Amsterdam.

If you're doing lots of queries in the past/future in different locations, the best approach is to consistently use UTC time. Keep in mind datetime.datetime.utcnow() is still a naive datetime. To use proper timezone aware datetime objects you will need to use a library like pytz <http://pytz.sourceforge.net/>_