ZeitNews / main

The main ZeitNews repo.
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ZeitNews Official Repository

ZeitNews is a science-oriented website dedicated to technology news. We operate as a branch of the Zeitgeist Movement's Technology Team as an information hub which aims to inform as many people as possible about the current advancements and capabilities of science and technology. Technology is rapidly developing - faster than many of us realize - and with this website we aim to provide a clear picture of just how quickly this is happening through daily reporting of developments and breakthroughs around the world.

Get Involved

Current site version: 1.1.3

TODO: We are currently in the process of fixing issues and adding features.

There are two different levels on which you can get involved. First is on a design and development level, which requires some experience in PHP and/or HTML/CSS. Drupal experience is a plus. You'll have to be comfortable with points 4 and 5 in the list below in order to contribute.

On a second level, for those who aren't designers or developers, you can contribute by helping with general administration of the website. Things like moderating comments, managing advertisements and menus, etc.. This requires some experience with a website CMS (Joomla, Wordpress, Drupal, etc.). You don't have to be concerned with points 4 and 5 in the list below.

  1. Please drop us a line to get in touch with the lead developer. We'll provide some necessary files you'll need to get started.

  2. Read the User Guide. In particular, the Development section for designers and devs, and the Administration section for administrators.

  3. Review open issues on our issue queue to see what work needs to be done and create new issues for any ideas or questions you have.

  4. Fork the main repo and begin work in your local development environment.

    Depending on what type of development you're working on, it may be beneficial to run an environment similar to what we use on the development and production servers. It would be good if you run not less-than or greater-than:

    Pressflow Drupal 6.x
    OpenPublish Drupal Distribution 2.3-build441
    Apache 2.2.x
    Apache Tomcat 6.0.x
    MySQL 5.1.x
    PHP 5.2.x
    Varnish 2.x
    Memcached 1.4.x

    Our environment is pretty close to Pantheon's Project Mercury 1.1, if you want to build a new environment from scratch. Prepackaged environments are in the works (VirtualBox instances).

  5. Submit a Pull Request for review and inclusion.

Thanks in advance,
ZeitNews Team