Zenahr / neko-media

Local VOD service and frontend. Kind of like Netflix but for local files. No need for internet connection at all! Stream your video files the way you want!
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PoC - 3 #4

Open Zenahr opened 3 years ago

Zenahr commented 3 years ago
Zenahr commented 3 years ago

I should sometime create an Organisation (Neko Media Services) to have a place to put bigger components into.

And in there I should put a "Neko Thumbnail Generator" Component/Module repository.

The repository will be a standalone repository.

  1. Parse video file
  2. Run keras-driven thumbnail-recommender system on the parsed file
  3. Generate and save a couple "thumbnail candidates"
  4. Select a final candidate at random

The module is meant to be neatly integrateable with Neko Media Server.

Additional notes:

For example: Media tagged with action should get thumbs containing explosions, fights, weaponry etc.

Generally the model should pick well-composed images (balanced on pixel-variation and stills) ---> establishing shots (village with people in front and landscape + sky in background = balanced image)