Zenahr / neko-media

Local VOD service and frontend. Kind of like Netflix but for local files. No need for internet connection at all! Stream your video files the way you want!
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Neko Media

Neko Media is the go-to solution for offline Video On Demand platform as a service solutions. In plain English: Wanna keep your precious local video collection tidy and presentable to friends and do you want to access your media without the hassle of setting up a noisy NAS Server - because, let's be honest, none of us will pay for the quite ones... - then you've finally arrived!

This project is for educational and non-commercial purposes only.

End User Installation


Development setup

Describe how to install all development dependencies and how to run an automated test-suite of some kind. Potentially do this for multiple platforms.



Working on this project takes time and passion. Both don't pay the rent. If you deem this project useful feel free to put a dime into my coffee cup. The community and my cat thank you.