Zenika / adoc-presentation-model

SYNCHRONIZED FROM GITLAB. A full AsciiDoc extended example generating both HTML PDF and Reveal.js slides #asciidoctor #plantuml #reveal
36 stars 17 forks source link

= README :toc: :toclevels: 2 :sectnums:

This is a live documentation generation stack, used for some Zenika training material. It is based on Asciidoc and/or Markdown. It is a mono-repository including both framework and documents.

0% knownledge in HTML/CSS/JS is required to produce/update a document, and still being able to include advanced capabilities. Guides are provided, see hosted content above.

WARNING: MS Windows generation files are not actively maintained and tested

== What

=== Preview

link:https://bcouetil.gitlab.io/asciidoc-stack/main/guides/guides/syntax-quick-reference.htm#/[Basic Asciidoc syntax] and link:https://bcouetil.gitlab.io/asciidoc-stack/main/guides/guides/reveal-my-asciidoc.htm#/[Advanced Reveal.js capabilities] generated examples are hosted on GitLab pages.

[cols="a,a", frame=none, grid=none] |=== | Light theme slides | Dark theme slides | image::preview-light.jpg[link="https://bcouetil.gitlab.io/asciidoc-stack/main/guides/guides/syntax-quick-reference.htm#/"] | image::preview-dark.jpg[link="https://bcouetil.gitlab.io/asciidoc-stack/main/guides/guides/reveal-my-asciidoc.htm#/"] | Plain HTML | PDF | image::preview-html.jpg[link="https://bcouetil.gitlab.io/asciidoc-stack/main/guides/guides/reveal-my-asciidoc.html"] | image::preview-pdf.jpg[link="https://bcouetil.gitlab.io/asciidoc-stack/main/guides/guides/reveal-my-asciidoc.pdf"] |===

=== Features

==== Documentation features

==== Generation features

==== Organisation features

== How

=== How do I generate documents ?

You can use generate.sh on Linux & MacOS (M1 supported) and generate.bat on Windows.


./generate.sh [all|<category/subject>] [all|html|reveal|pdf|zip] [live]

.Examples [source,shell]

generate html version of devops/kubernetes-user documents

./generate.sh devops/kubernetes-user html

generate everything for every documents


equivalent to

./generate.sh all all

Slides, HTML and PDF are generated in build-docs folder. Target folder is cleaned each time to ensure update of generated content.

NOTE: This script is also used by CI

==== Live reload

===== Debian/Ubuntu

generate.sh provides a live reload solution based on inotifywait on Unix environment:

[source,shell] sudo apt-get install inotify-tools


./generate.sh devops/kubernetes-user reveal

[source,shell] cd build-docs python3 -m http.server


./generate.sh devops/kubernetes-user reveal live

You can now browse files from local server, for example http://localhost:8000/kubernetes-user.htm. Files are automatically refreshed in your browser, thanks to a JS script included in generated HTML.

NOTE: No Asciidoc built-in live reload for now, link:https://asciidoctor.org/docs/editing-asciidoc-with-live-preview/[documentation present some alternatives] but not for Reveal.js. Some other solutions involve VS Code extensions or Ruby in an link:https://github.com/asciidoctor/asciidoctor-reveal.js/issues/248[open issue].

===== MS Windows

You can simulate a basic continuous regeneration every 5 seconds with this code running under any windows console (Windows or Windows+R and then type “cmd” and validate)


for /l %g in () do @( & timeout /t 5)

In our case :

for /l %g in () do @(generate agile\kanban-1j reveal & timeout /t 5)

===== MacOS

Not yet supported, MR are welcome 🤓

=== How do I migrate from existing Markdown documents ?

This stack is more for new documents for people preferring Asciidoc. But an actual Markdown document can be migrated pretty fast.

TIP: For small text blocks there are online translation tools such as https://markdown2asciidoc.com/

==== Pre-requisite

Careful with | often not handled correctly if not in tables. Modify them first.

Ex: Pull|Merge changed to Pull/Merge

==== .md to .adoc automatically

Use preferably Kramdoc.

Although pandoc can link:https://matthewsetter.com/convert-markdown-to-asciidoc-withpandoc/[also be used], kramdoc gives link:https://matthewsetter.com/convert-markdown-to-asciidoc-with-kramdown-asciidoc/[better results].

.Install Ruby and Kramdoc [source, shell] sudo apt-get install ruby-full rename sudo gem install kramdown-asciidoc

.Launch on a file [source, shell] kramdoc --output=getting-started.adoc --imagesdir=ressources --lazy-ids --heading-offset=1 --wrap=ventilate getting-started.md

.Launch on a folder [source, shell] find ./ -name "*.md" -type f -exec sh -c 'kramdoc --imagesdir=ressources --lazy-ids --heading-offset=1 --wrap=ventilate --output=_includes/{}.adoc {}' \;

.Rename files [source, shell] find _includes -type f -name "*.adoc" -exec rename s/".md"/""/g {} \;

==== Post-processing for Zenika trainings migration

[cols="^,<3,<3",options="header"] |===

| regex | from | to

| yes | // .slide: class=".*"\n |

| no | {plus}{plus}{plus}</figure>{plus}{plus}{plus} |

| no | {plus}{plus}{plus}<div class="pb">{plus}{plus}{plus}{plus}{plus}{plus}</div>{plus}{plus}{plus} |

| yes | +\{blank\}( \+ )*( \+)( )*+ |

| yes | ^( )*\.\.\.$ |

| yes | ,[0-9]+% |

| yes | +Notes :\r?\n((\r?\n(?!=).*)*)+ | +ifdef::backend-revealjs[]\n[.notes]\n****$1\n****\nendif::backend-revealjs[]\n+

| yes | +^(=== .*)\n\n// .slide: id="(.*)"+ | [#$2]\n$1

| yes | +\+\+\+<figure>\+\+\++ | +\n\n+

| yes | <</([a-z]) | <<$1

| no | {nbsp}{nbsp}{plus}{nbsp}{nbsp}{plus} | .

| no | __ |

| no | ➡➡ | +____+

| no | [.fa.fa-info-circle]## | NOTE:

// TODO : say only in _slides/* | no | === TP | [.lab]\n=== TP


== Why

=== Why Asciidoc over Markdown ?

TLDR; standard Markdown is too poor as a lightweight markup language, and needs too many addons and custom development to fit HTML, Reveal.js and PDF.

Some elaborated articles :

The current stack has been gathered and maintained by a single person in his spare time. Almost no development needed. this is hardly possible on markdown stacks with the same features coverage.

=== Why a Mono-repo ?

=== Why do Reveal.js themes all look pretty much the same ?

There is no particular reason.

You don't like the result ? It's perfectly fine. You can change basic things like slide transition and background in-presentation. But, most important, you can contribute with any Reveal.js CSS you find/produce that fits your presentation style, just add it in the appropriate folder and import it at the beginning of your presentation.

Here is a list of nice Asciidoc-based Reveal.js slide decks, for inspiration :


Pour remplacer partout des blocs shells par des blocs monospace sous vscode

ifdef::solutions[]\n* [(source)?,shell]



ifdef::solutions[] .solutions .... $2 ....
