Open ZenthWolf opened 4 years ago
For discussion of analytic model, use following convention from :
P : Predator (beast) population
N : Prey (food) population
t : time
r : Prey growth rate
a': search/attack efficiency
q : Predator mortality rate
c : Predator to Prey conversion efficiency
Population model is an instantaneous calculation, but simulation uses discrete generations - probably mock up discretized formula in Mathematica at some point
Discretization also at odds with countable populations (no atto-beasts), so modelling will look very different, but is useful basis.
Predator mortality rate:
dP/dt = -qP
Analytic reading: At all times, a set percentage of predators can be assumed to be dying, regardless of circumstance.
Current Simulation implementation: All predators are dying until proven otherwise- this ties death, life, and reproduction in one go.
Possible development: A set percentage of beasts could be culled (or a die roll per beast). Could also justify reverse- some beasts may be spared death similarly
Predator birth rate:
dP/dt = ca'PN
Analytic reading: Predators grow proportion to their population and prey population. Here, only "a' %" of prey is used, at a trophic efficiency, c.
Current Simulation: Predator growth is proportional to either predator population or prey population, but not both. Trophic efficiency is seen by needing multiple food to birth, but a' is uncontrolled (very nearly 1 in current setup at late stages - almost all food is exploited)
Possible development: May introduce a' by making a percent of food not available each gen. Proportionality to PN is unclear.
Prey growth rate:
dN/dt = rN
Analytic reading: Prey grows exponentially.
Current Simulation: Each starting food has a chance to reproduce, leading to exponential growth.
Development: Only turning r remains.
Prey mortality rate:
dN/dt = -a'PN
Analytic reading: Prey dies proportional to predator growth (see details about predator growth).
Current simulation: Analytic reading is spot on, but all the problems with predator/beast growth remain.
Above lines may be updated with progress.
Beast/Food simulations should be able to mirror Pred/Prey (Feast/Famine) population models with right parameterization. Currently, population seems to converge to carrying capacity.