ZenulAbidin / ZGLshapes

Zenul_Abidin's OpenGL shape classes
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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Zenul_Abidin's OpenGL shape classes

There are no libraries which can create and manipulate 2D and 3D shapes in a framework-independent manner. ZGLshapes aims to bridge the gap by providing a set of classes that represent the most common shapes, and ways to export them into screen-drawable objects.

Currently these classes depend on Qt5, and there are only 2D shapes for now.

This code is experimental. It may not compile. There is no stable API, the APIs are subject to change without warning. This decision might change in the future.


You need Boost >= 1.59, because BOOST_TEST macro is used in this project which was introduced in that version. For now, you also need Qt5.

Create a new build directory with mkdir build; cd build Then run cmake ..; make; cmake --install .. This will install to /usr/local by default. To change the installation prefix use cmake --install . --prefix /desired/prefix.

By default, all of the tests are built along with the library. If you don't want to build tests, pass -DNO_TESTS=true to CMake. To build only specific test suites, pass -DALL_TESTS=false -DTEST_testdirname=true -DTEST_testdirname2=true (etc.) to CMake, where testdirname is the name of the directory under tests/ in uppercase containing tests that you want to build.

Attention: make install does not install the files correctly at this time.


Run tests/run-tests in the generated build directory to run the tests. The source file for this test wrapper tests/run-tests.cpp contains a variable with the arguments that will be passed to all Boost.Test modules.