Obsidian is a markdown-based notes software, while MkDocs is a markdown-based content distribution platform. However, it is well known that markdown has quite a bit of extended syntax beyond the base standard. Plus Obsidian and MkDocs both have their own plugins. So, to do content migration in both software, sometimes you need to do some content modification.
For the Obsidian admonition, the syntax is
For the MkDocs admonition, the syntax is
!!! info
In obsidian, you may add several tags, but in MkDocs, they are not rendered.
In MkDocs, the footnotes are ordered in the same order as at the end of the markdown file, and for aesthetic purposes should be ordered according to the order in which they appear in the text.
$ git clone git@github.com:Zerokei/TextConverter.git
$ python3 src/main.py target_path # the target path stores the markdown files