ZhangYiJiang / jublia-agenda

AY16/17 CS3216 final project - 21st century event agenda
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API Document: http://docs.jubliaagenda.apiary.io/

Frontend documentation

The frontend is written with Angular 2. See https://github.com/ZhangYiJiang/jublia-agenda/tree/master/frontend for more details.

Backend Setup

The backend uses Django 1.10 and Django Rest Framework 3.4. On development environment by default it will use a Sqlite database, and all mails are sent to log. To run the unit tests the database user will need permission to create databases (this is not necessary for the Sqlite database).

To setup:

  1. Make sure you have prerequisites installed - Python 3.5
  2. Clone the repository
  3. Setup virtualenv - pyvenv venv
  4. Activate the virtualenv - source venv/bin/activate
  5. Install dependencies - pip install -r requirements.txt
  6. Edit environment settings - cp jublia/env.py.example jublia/env.py then vim jublia/env.py and update the SECRET_KEY (use http://www.miniwebtool.com/django-secret-key-generator/)
  7. Return to the project root and run ./manage.py migrate to run the DB migrations
  8. Run the backend test suite using ./manage.py test backend. Check that there are no errors.
  9. Start the server with ./manage.py runserver
  10. Make sure that there are no errors, then open localhost:8000/admin to check that Django is working properly
  11. Use ./manage.py createsuperuser to create a new admin account


Django comes with a number of useful command line commands through manage.py. In addition, Django Extensions is also installed, which means there's a number of useful commands in addition to Django's defaults. Run manage.py without any commands to see a list.

In addition to this we also define the following commands:

seed - seed database with fake data for testing

This command will create a new user and generate a new event agenda with tracks, speakers and sessions for testing purposes. The following options are available.

The sessions are randomly assigned fields, speakers and tracks. Their timing should be within office hours, but no checks for overlapping sessions is done


Deployment to the staging server is done using the included Fabric script. The included commands are