Zhangxf-ccnu / ENGEP

MIT License
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R package supporting the paper "ENGEP: advancing spatial transcriptomics with accurate unmeasured gene expression prediction".

ENGEP combins multiple prediction results from different reference datasets and prediction methods using a weighted average ensemble strategy to predict expression levels of spatially unmeasured genes. ENGEP mainly includes two steps: (i) generating multiple base results using k-nearest-neighbor (k-NN) regression. Different reference datasets, similarity measures, and numbers of neighbors (k) are used for this step. (ii) Combining these base results into a consensus result using a weighted average ensemble strategy. In this step, weights are assigned to different reference datasets to take into account their predictive power. image

The source code is also deposited in Zenodo with a DOI assignment (DOI: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.8365572).



Note that package ‘propr’ was removed from the CRAN repository, we advise that the user should install propr before install ENGEP.



A tutorial with examples of the usage of ENGEP is available at: ENGEP-examples.html.


Please do not hesitate to contact Miss Yang Shi-Tong styang@mails.ccnu.edu.cn or Dr. Xiao-Fei Zhang zhangxf@mail.ccnu.edu.cn to seek any clarifications regarding any contents or operation of the archive.