[CVPR'23] Instance-specific and Model-adaptive Supervision for Semi-supervised Semantic Segmentation
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instance-specific-model-adaptive semi-supervised-learning semi-supervised-segmentation


"Instance-specific and Model-adaptive Supervision for Semi-supervised Semantic Segmentation".



In a teacher-student framework, labeled data $(x,y)$ is used to train the student model, parameterized by $\theta_s$, by minimizing the supervised loss $\mathcal{L}_x$. Unlabeled data $u$, weakly augmented by $\mathcal{A}_w(\cdot)$, is first fed into both the student and teacher models to obtain predictions $p^s$ and $p^t$, respectively. Then we perform quantitative hardness evaluation on each unlabeled instance by strategy $\phi(p^t, p^s)$. Such hardness information can be subsequently utilized: 1) to apply an adaptive augmentation, denoted by $\mathcal{A}_s(\cdot)$, on unlabeled data to obtain the student model's prediction $\hat{p}$; 2) to weigh the unsupervised loss $\mathcal{L}_u$ in a instance-specific manner. The teacher model's weight, $\theta_t$, is updated by the exponential moving average (EMA) of $\theta_s$ across the training course.


Comparison with SOTA methods on PASCAL VOC 2012 val set under different partition protocols

ResNet-50 1/16 1/8 1/4 ResNet-101 1/16 1/8 1/4
SupOnly 63.8 69.0 72.5 SupOnly 67.4 72.1 74.7
CPS 72.0 73.7 74.9 CPS 74.5 76.4 77.7
ST++ 72.6 74.4 75.4 ST++ 74.5 76.3 76.6
U2PL(os=8) 72.0 75.2 76.2 U2PL(os=8) 74.4 77.6 78.7
iMAS(os=8) 75.9 76.7 77.1 iMAS (os=8) 77.2 78.4 79.3

Comparison with SOTAs on Cityscapes val set under different partition protocols. Using R-50 as encoder.

R50 1/16 1/8 1/4 1/2
SupOnly 64.0 69.2 73.0 76.4
CPS 74.4 76.6 77.8 78.8
CPS (by U2PL) 69.8 74.3 74.6 76.8
ST++ - 72.7 73.8 -
PS-MT - 75.8 76.9 77.6
U2PL(os=8) 69.0 73.0 76.3 78.6
iMAS (os=8) 75.2 78.0 78.2 80.2

All the training logs of iMAS and our reproduced SupOnly baselines are included under the directory of training-imas-logs

Running AugSeg

Prepare datasets

Please download the Pascal and Cityscapes, and set up the path to them properly in the configuration files.

Here is our adopted way,

├── ./data
    ├── splits
      ├── cityscapes
      └── pascal
    ├── VOC2012
      ├── JPEGImages
      ├── SegmentationClass
      └── SegmentationClassAug
    └── cityscapes
      ├── gtFine
      └── leftImg8bit

Prepare pre-trained encoder

Please download the pretrained models, and set up the path to these models properly in the file of config_xxx.yaml .

ResNet-50 | ResNet-101

Here is our adopted way,

├── ./pretrained
    ├── resnet50.pth
    └── resnet101.pth

Prepare running Envs

Nothing special

Ready to Run

Basically, you are recommanded to config the experimental runnings in a ".yaml" file firstly. We include various configuration files under the directory of "exps".

# 1) configure your yaml file in a running script
vim ./single_run.sh

# 2) run directly
sh ./single_run.sh


If you find these projects useful, please consider citing:

  title={Instance-specific and Model-adaptive Supervision for Semi-supervised Semantic Segmentation},
  author={Zhao, Zhen and Long, Sifan and Pi, Jimin and Wang, Jingdong and Zhou, Luping},
  booktitle={Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition},

We have other relevant semi-supervised semantic segmentation projects:


We thank ST++, CPS, and U2PL, for part of their codes, processed datasets, data partitions, and pretrained models.