ZhiyuanLck / smart-pairs

Ultimate smart pairs written in lua!
MIT License
136 stars 2 forks source link


The code now is like a mess, so I will refactor the whole work and add multi-threading support for performance.

Issues and pull requests will not be processed until the refactor work is done.

Develop version will place in dev branch. But if you want to acquire the latest working progress, check the discussion of #17.

Smart Pairs

smart-pairs is written in lua and provides pairs completion, deletion and jump.

One line to setup the plugin with packer.nvim

use {'ZhiyuanLck/smart-pairs', event = 'InsertEnter', config = function() require('pairs'):setup() end}

Note: If you find some annoying behaviors, please create an issue with the example and the reason to let me know. I will try to find if there is a better solution and if not I will make it configurable.

Note: Only support bracket of single char (of multibyte). For multi-char pairs, see snippet plugins.


Setup the options by


All default options are set in init.lua.

Quick Start For Custom Pairs

All pairs are grouped by file types, and '*' contain the global pair list. Every pair is a table list, whose first element is the left bracket, second element is the right bracket, and the last is the optional pair options, i.e. a pair is specified by { left, right, opts (optional) }. At last, all types of pairs are saved in top-level option pairs.

Default pairs ```lua pairs = { ['*'] = { {'(', ')'}, {'[', ']'}, {'{', '}'}, {"'", "'"}, {'"', '"'}, }, lua = { {'(', ')', {ignore = {'%(', '%)', '%%'}}}, {'[', ']', {ignore = {'%[', '%]', '%%'}}}, {'{', '}', {ignore = {'%{', '%}', '%%'}}}, }, python = { {"'", "'", {triplet = true}}, {'"', '"', {triplet = true}}, }, markdown = { {'`', '`', {triplet = true}}, }, tex = { {'$', '$', {cross_line = true}}, -- Chinese pairs {'(', ')'}, {'【', '】'}, {'‘', '’'}, {'“', '”'}, } } ```
Options Description Default
ignore_pre vim regex pattern, brackets after the pattern keep its original meaning '\\\\'
ignore_after vim regex pattern, only for unbalanced brackets, forbid right bracket completion with the post pattern '\\w'
ignore string or list, patterns to ignore when counting the number of brackets escaped brackets
triplet boolean, only for balanced brackets, expand the triplet brackets false
cross_line boolean, whether the bracket can cross lines true for unbalanced pairs, false for balanced pairs
enable_smart_space boolean, whether to enable smart space true for unbalanced pairs, false for balanced pairs

Sometimes, it is convenient to use option default_opts to set the default value of the option of each pair which belongs to the same file type to avoid repeated settings.

  default_opts = {
    ['*'] = {
      ignore_pre = '\\\\', -- double backslash or [[\\]]
      ignore_after = '\\w', -- double backslash or [[\w]]
    lua = {
      ignore_pre = '[%\\\\]' -- double backslash

Mapping Config

Option that controls whether to map the specified key is <key>.enable_mapping, where the value of <key> is one of the space, enter and delete, which represent for <space>, <cr> and <bs> that will be mapped indivisually. You can set it to a boolean value or a function that returns a boolean value.

Note: The value of <key> below can also be delete.empty_line, delete.empty_pre and delete.current_line.

Option <key>.enable_cond (boolean or function) define the condition to decide when to perform the smart action, and if the test fails, function <key>.enable_fallback is called.

Option <key>.before_hook and <key>.after_hook define the hook funtion that will run before and after the smart actions.

Option mapping is used to define other key mappings

In fact, you can jump to any custom search key by require('pairs.bracket').jump_left(opts) and require('pairs.bracket').jump_right(opts), where

opts = {
  key = string, key to be searched
  out = boolean, jump to the outside or inside of the key

Advanced Options

Control the behavior of smart deletion

Other Options

indent: indent table, insert correct indentation according to this option if needed

  indent = {
    ['*'] = 1,
    python = 2,

autojump_strategy.unbalanced: string, strategy applied to autojump, default 'right'. All values are

max_search_lines: number, max lines to search when needed, default 500.

Work with Other Plugin

Integrate smart enter and smart bracket with nvim-cmp: workaround


Typeset Unbalanced Pairs

Typeset left bracket

press (
|    --> (|)    - type left and complete the right
|)   --> (|)    - complete left
|')' --> (|)')' - ignore strings
|a   --> (|a    - not complete the right before a word
|()) --> (|())  - respect the validity of current line
\|   --> \(|    - not complete the right after an escape char
\\|  --> \\(|)  - work well after double backslash
'%|' --> '%('   - not complete the right after '%' in lua (see pair option 'ignore_pre')

Typeset right bracket

press )
|       --> )|       - type right
|(ab)   --> )|(ab)   - type right
(|      --> ()|      - complete right
(|)     --> ()|      - jump right when 'autojump_strategy.unbalanced' is not 'none'
(| )    --> ()|      - jump right when 'autojump_strategy.unbalanced' is 'all' or 'loose_right'
(a|b)   --> (ab)|    - jump right when 'autojump_strategy.unbalanced' is 'all'
|(ab))  --> (ab)|)   - jump right when 'autojump_strategy.unbalanced' is 'all'
('\(|') --> ('\(')|  - jump right when 'autojump_strategy.unbalanced' is 'all'
('\(|') --> ('\()|') - type right when 'autojump_strategy.unbalanced' is not 'all'

Typeset Balanced Pairs

press "
|     --> "|"     - type two
"ab|  --> "ab|"   - complete anoter
"a|b" --> "a"|"b" - type two in middle
"ab|" --> "ab"|   - jump right if next to the right one
'"'|  --> '"'"|"  - ignore string and type two
""|   --> """|""" - complete triplet in python

Smart Space

press <space>, _ denotes <space>
{|} --> {_|_}

Smart Deletion

press <bs>, _ denotes <space>
{{|}    --> {|}   - delete left
{|}     --> |     - delete two
{|}}    --> |}    - delete two
{_|__}  --> {_|_} - leave two spaces
{__|_}  --> {_|_} - leave two spaces
{_|_}   --> {}    - delete all blanks
{__|}   --> {|}   - delete all blanks
{__|ab  --> {|ab  - delete all blanks
{__|_ab --> {|ab  - delete all blanks
{|___ab --> |_ab  - delete left and leave a space

Smart Enter

>>> in python

Interfaces for Advanced Users

require('pairs.space').type(): smart space action

require('pairs.enter').type(): smart enter action

require('pairs.delete').type(): smart deletion action

require('pairs.bracket').type_left(left): smart left bracket action

require('pairs.bracket').type_right(right): smart right bracket action

require('pairs.utils').get_cursor_lr(): get the left and right part of the current line under the cursor

require('pairs.utils').feedkeys(keys, mode='n'): feed keys to vim, default not remapped.