ZiJianZhao / NMT-Research-Reproductions-PyTorch

Reproducing neural machine translation research results in PyTorch
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This is a repository for reproducing research results in neural machine translation. All details are implemented in PyTorch.


Define general interfaces and modules for NMT. Heavily borrowed from OpenNMT-py.


Contains the preprocess script for texts.


Reference paper:

Neural Machine Translation by Jointly Learning to Align and Translate

Comment: I can not get expected performance in a Chinese-English translation task.


Reference paper:

Effective Approaches to Attention-based Neural Machine Translation

Comment: Self-defined multi-layer encoder-decoder with attention and input feeding. The model can get good performance in a Chinese-English translation task. And it is adopted as baseline for following experiments.


Reference paper:

Neural Machine Translation of Rare Words with Subword Units

Comment: It just has the preprocess script since all others are just the same as normal procedure.