Zijji / HVCCC_Visualisation

HVCCC Visualisation software
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HVCCC Visualisation

Our purpose is to provide a realistic three-dimensional visualisation model of the network with a high degree of detail and visual fidelity. This project aims to:

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.


  1. Unity - v2019.2.5f1
  2. Windows Operating System
  3. 10GB of Disk Space


  1. Install Unity (We recommend using Unity Hub then downloading the specified version)
  2. Download the repository
    git clone https://github.com/Zijji/HVCCC_Visualisation.git
  3. Open the project with Unity
  4. Load Scene (Need to put the name of the Scene here)
  5. Click the play button


Our tests can be found in the test document. Refer to "Test Outcomes" document.


Our requirements and deliverables can be found in the requirements document. Refer to "Software Requirements Specification" document.

Coding Style

Where applicable, the HVCCC C# coding standards have been abided by. There are such instances where the Unity game engine makes us use specific coding styles. Additionally, MapBox uses key coding standards which we had to adapt our code to abide by. This guide can be found in their [API documentation.] (https://docs.mapbox.com/api/)


Deploying system into an executable

  1. Go to ”File”
  2. Go to ”Build Settings”
  3. Click ”Build"

Built With

Contributing & Acknowledgements

Thank you to Dr. Karen Blackmore and Associate Professor Hongyu Zhang for their guidance.

Thank you to HVCCCC representatives Riley Clement and Martin Jackson for their input.



This project is licensed to HVCCC for their own use internally. No commercial products (outside of the HVCCC ecosystem) can be developed from this work without written consent from the Authors (stated above).
