This is a simple GUI for the Saturn's Envy game created by Yolathothep. It provides a GUI to select the fleets that battle against each other, and open the Replay Player to view the battle. It also automatically saves the replays and the captain's log files of each battle.
All replays and captain's log files are automatically saved to a new folder inside a specified folder. This folder is named "[date]_[time]_[name of fleet A]_vs_[name of fleet B]". Inside this folder there are the two captain's log files named "CaptainsLog_A_[name of fleet A]" and "CaptainsLog_B_[name of fleet B]" respectively. The replay itself is the "replay.json.deflate" file.
At first launch go to the settings, and select the folder where the Combat Simulator and the Replay Player are located. Optionally, select a folder where the replays of each battle will be saved. By default they are saved to the folder YololFleetsGUI is run from.
At the main window specify two fleets to battle each other, to do this, select the fleet's "Root Folder" as described in Combat Simulator. When both fleets are selected, the "Simulate!" button becomes enabled. Press it to run the battle. While the battle simulator is running, the "Watch Replay" button is disabled - it is enabled once the battle simulator has finished.
After the battle has finished, press the "Watch Replay" button to view it in the Replay Player.