Zingabopp / OBSControl

A Beat Saber mod to control and monitor OBS in-game.
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A Beat Saber mod to automatically start/stop recording in OBS when you play a song.



Settings can be found in-game in the Mod Settings > OBSControl menu.

Availble Substitutions:

Song Data: Key Substitution Parameter(s) Notes
B BeatsPerMinute BPM to two decimal places, ignoring trailing zeroes.
D DifficultyName Full name of the difficulty.
d DifficultyShortName Short name of the difficulty (i.e E+ instead of ExpertPlus).
A LevelAuthorName (int)Max Length Name of the mapper. Example: ?A{10} to use up to 10 characters of the mapper name.
a SongAuthorName (int)Max Length Name of the song artist. Example: ?a{10} to use up to 10 characters of the artist name.
@ CurrentTime (string)DateTimeFormat Date/Time of the recording when stopped. Format Information, default is yyyyMMddHHmm
I LevelId LevelId of the song.
J NoteJumpSpeed NJS to two decimal places, ignoring trailing 0s.
L SongDurationLabeled Duration of the song in minutes and seconds (i.e. 3m.25s for 3 min 25 sec).
l SongDurationNoLabels Duration of the song in minutes and seconds with no labels (i.e. 3.25 for 3 min 25 sec).
N SongName (int)Max Length Name of the song. Example: ?N{10} to use up to 10 characters of the song name.
n SongSubName (int)Max length Subname of the song. Example: ?n{10} to use up to 10 characters of the song subname.
Completion Results Data: Key Substitution Parameter(s) Notes
1 FirstPlay 1st if you haven't played the song according to Beat Saber's data.
b BadCutsCount Number of bad cuts.
T EndSongTimeLabeled How far into the song you got in minutes and seconds (i.e. 3m.25s for 3 min 25 sec).
t EndSongTimeNoLabels How far into the song you got in minutes and seconds with no labels (i.e. 3.25 for 3 min 25 sec).
F FullCombo FC if you full combo'd the song.
M Modifiers Enabled song modifiers, separated by _ (i.e. DA_FS for Disappearing Arrows and Faster Song).
m MissedCount Number of notes missed.
G GoodCutsCount Number of good cuts.
E LevelEndType Has a value for any level end type (Cleared/Quit/Failed/Unknown).
e LevelIncompleteType Only has a value if the level was incomplete (Quit/Failed/Unknown).
C MaxCombo Max combo for the song.
S RawScore Score before any modifiers were applied.
s ModifiedScore Score after modifiers (your actual score).
R Rank Score rank (SSS/SS/S/A/B/C/D/E).
% ScorePercent Score percent to two decimal places.